Web Rings
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Web Pages
Autism Support Netring
Designed to create a community of families that would like to share their stories, support and experiences.
Asperger's Webring
For anyone who is touched by Asperger's or a related Syndrome.
Families Working Together: Autism Support
Support for parents and families who have children with autism. Provides information and resources for autism/special needs.
PDD-NOS Connections
Designed to help people find useful information about Autism/PDD-NOS. Topics include definitions of autism and Pervasive Development Disorder, and related resources.
Ring of Autism
A ring to bring together as many parents of Autistic children, Autistic adults or anyone with an interest in Autism as possible for the purpose of sharing information and giving support.
For homepages of persons with autism, their friends, families, and caregivers, or for websites about autism and related conditions. Affiliated with the #AutFriends IRC channel.