Web Pages
Autism Network Resources for Physicians
Includes links to autism articles, reports, hearings, treatment, message boards, related diseases and disorders, and parent support.
A project by volunteers, most of them autistic, to create a comprehensive global database of information and services for persons with autism.
Family Village -- Autism
A data bank project to establish a network for communication, education, research, and advocacy for those with autism combined with a hearing or visual disability.
Jypsy's Autism Links
Hundreds of links to Autism, Asperger's and PDD sites.
Autism Resources
John Wobus' classic index of online information and resources on autism and asperger's symdrome. In addition to the list of links, the site has a FAQ memo and a bibliography.
Autism / Aspergers
Links to medical, educational, information, and chatrooms on Autism and Aspergers.
Beyond Autism
Links to scientific articles and news stories.
Autism Link Page
A compilation of links to autism-related sites all over the world, with short descriptions. [English, German, French, Spanish]
Introduction to autism, lists of learning resources and advocacy, FAQ and Autism Checklist, Special Education Laws (IDEA and Section 504), briefs on different treatments and approaches.
Autism Portal Site
Links to information, with short descriptions. [English, French, Dutch]
Autism: Links World Wide
From the UK Society for the Autistically Handicapped.
Autism Resources
Autism resources by state, and links to articles.
Links to events, organizations, and news.
SERI Autism Resources
Links to sites of interest to those involved in fields related to Special Education.
A Simple Guide to Online Autism Resources
Includes many informative sites relating to Autism and related disorders.
Cindy's Autism Links Page
Links to sites on autism and PDD.
Autism Home Page
Autism fact sheets, reviewed autism links, Secretin information.
UVA Web Resources on Autism
Directory hosted by the Office of Special Education, University of Virginia. Features categories devoted to treatments, organizations and support.
Autism/Asperger's Syndrome and Related Disorders
Portal hosted by the Western Regional Resource Center at the University of Oregon. Features a narrative describing the disorders and FAQ. Also offers categories devoted to legal and workplace issues.
Links to Autism Resources
Portal with sections devoted to general information about Autism, support, and research.