Web Pages
NJMS National Tuberculosis Center
An institution performing research on the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis, particularly in inner-city environments in the United States.
Tuberculosis & Airborne Disease Weekly
A weekly publication with searchable archives.
Johns Hopkins Center For Tuberculosis Research
Features research, epidemiology, treatment, drug information, forum, news, articles, and resources.
Tuberculosis Resources
Columbia University's website with information about tuberculosis, TB testing and treatment. Spanish and English.
A comprehensive resource on tuberculosis and HIV infection, from AEGIS.
MYCOS Research
A Colorado limited liability company providing custom mycobacterial research materials. Features products, services, company information, and research.
About Tuberculosis
Public information on the biology of tuberculosis from the Canadian Lung Association.
TB Control India
An information site providing vital information about the status of the RNTCP, Revised National Tuberculosis Programme being implemented in India.
CDC Division of Tuberculosis Elimination
News, reports, guidelines, and educational materials for health professionals.
Charles P. Felton National Tuberculosis Center
The goal is to meet the challenge of TB in Harlem by providing innovative prevention, treatment, and training programs to members community and healthcare providers serving the community.
In 1993, WHO (the World Health Organization) declared tuberculosis a global emergency. Tuberculosis (TB) is responsible for the deaths of more youths and adults than any other infectious disease.
Tuberculosis and Public Health for Health Care Professionals. Reviews on issues in tuberculosis, applied epidemiology, and courses. An affiliation of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease.
North West TB Nurses Forum
The Northwest TB Nurses Association consists of nurses who specialise in the prevention and treatment of Tubercolis in the North West of England.
Stop TB Initiative
The Stop TB Initiative is a partnership for global action. The mission of Stop TB is to ensure that every person with TB has all the necessary information and access to treatment and cure; to protect vulnerable populations from TB and multidrug-resistant TB; and to prevent the unnecessary social and economic tolls of TB.
Danida Assisted Revised National Tuberculosis Programme in India
Information about the organization, initiatives, publications, a resource directory as well as the details about the disease itself.
Dr. David Alexander Stewart
A history of the fight against tuberculosis in Canada.
Tuberculosis.Net Forum
Resources for tuberculosis education, including a TB forum, images, FAQs.
Global Alliance for TB Drug Development
Seeks to develop and ensure equitable access to new tuberculosis drugs. Features organization information, disease information, new drug development, and news.
The TB Investigation Project
A 2002 study investigating tuberculosis in Russia, the USA, and the UK. Analysis of both the human and the scientific stories behind the fight against TB. Includes TB links.
CBC News
Includes facts, videos, reports, and links on Tuberculosis.
Philippine Tuberculosis Society Inc.
Dedicated to the prevention, treatment and control of TB in the country. Includes information about the disease and the organization.
TB Alert
Details about this charity which supports health projects worldwide and promotes awareness of tuberculosis. Includes publications, a newsletter and links.
The Lupin Group - Tuberculosis
Features anti-T.B. drugs produced by the company, frequently asked question, news, directory of tuberculosis links, and discussion group.
Institute for Tuberculosis Research
Dedicated to the discovery and development of new effective, low-cost, therapeutics for the treatment of tuberculosis. Includes description of research projects, facilities, and methods, and welcomes donations to sponsor drug discovery.
Offers A to Z of Tuberculosis and includes general, mental health and medication side effects issues. Includes support and message board chat room.