Web Pages
Nuclear bombs, Radioiodine and Thyroid Cancer
AACE Position on Nuclear Radioiodine Fallout.Press Release at the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists site.
Human Biological Database Interchange
The HBDI, a program of the non-profit National Disease Research requires family participation in the continuing study of diabetes, thyroid disease and autism.
Thyroid Supplements and Spongiform Encephalopathy CJD Risks
Is natural thyroid extract a risk factor for Spongiform Encephalopathies like Mad Cow, BSE, CJD, TSE?
The Arctic Aeromedical Laboratory's Thyroid Function Study
Testing in Alaska Using Radioactive Iodine131 in 1996. Health effects, ethics, recommendations, informed consent elements of disclosure.
Radium Experiment Assessment Project
REAP is working to promote honest and ethical evaluation of the history of Nasopharyngeal Radium Irradiation (NRI),to promote a governmental and medical response to this public health issue.