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The Institute of Molecular Medicine
A nonprofit institute dedicated to discovering new diagnostic and therapeutic solutions for chronic mycoplasma infections.
Gulf War Syndrome and Mycoplasma
Selected articles on the relationship between mycoplasmas and gulf war syndrome (GWS).
Research Publications on Mycoplasma
Large library of research articles on mycoplasmas from a variety of medical journals.
Mycoplasma Info at
Find out everything you need to know about mycoplasma infections: what it is, how to detect it and how it's related to CFS and gulf war illness.
Mycoplasmas by Shmuel Razin
Research paper discussing general concepts, structure, class and pathogenesis of mycoplasmas. The author also focuses on the different subspecies and chronic illnesses in which mycoplasmas are involved.
Mycoplasma Overview by Shasta CFIDS
A variety of articles discussing the role of chronic mycoplasma infections within chronic fatigue syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia.
Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Research from Emergency Medicine
Scientific lecture on the relation of mycoplasma pneumoniae as a common cause for community-acquired pneumonia.
Mycoplasma Lecture from
Lecture on mycoplasmas discussing background, pathophysiology, mortality, diagnosis and treatment.
Mycoplasma Pneumoniae: the mystery bug
Research paper on mycoplasma pneumoniae discussing structure, gnome, transmission and treatment
Mycoplasma and ALS
Information on the role of mycoplasma infections within amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Mycoplasma Research from Immunosciences
Research papers about the role of mycoplasmas within chronic illnesses like chronic fatigue syndrome, RA, GWS and fibromyalgia.
Laboratory Diagnosis of Mycoplasma Infections
MD Labs talks about mycoplasma infections, how they affect immunocompromised patients and how PCR can detect mycoplasmas.
Scientific Facts Versus Fiction about Mycoplasma
Research article by Aristo Vojdani on the role of mycoplasmas within disease.
Mycoplasmas - Stealth Pathogens
Overview of the most important mycoplasma species, how they interact in the body and treatment options.
International Molecular Diagnostics Lab
One of the specialties of this lab is testing for mycoplasmas by PCR. The site also contains background information on the role of various mycoplasma species within disease.
Mycoplasmas: Sophisticated, Re-emerging and Burdened by Their Notoriety
Research paper by Joel B. Baseman and Joseph G. Tully discussing the role of mycoplasmas within various diseases: overview of all different strains and mechanisms of pathogenicity.
Mycoplasma Penetrans and Primary Antiphospholipid Syndrome
Scientific case report of a patient with clinical features of PAPS infected with mycoplasma penetrans.
Mycoplasmas – The Missing Link in Fatiguing Illnesses
The research paper discusses how mycoplasmas operate and disrupt immune function and how they can be detected.
The Mycoplasma Registry
Overview of newsletters and brochures of the registry with a online registration form.
Research from Roadback Foundation
Research on eliminating mycoplasmas with antibiotic therapy based on peer-reviewed literature.
Mycoplasma Research by CFS-Information International
Overview of symptoms, significance of mycoplasmas within disease, testing procedures and treatment protocols.