Chats and Forums
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Web Pages
Chronic Pain Support Forum
Support for those who suffer from any type of chronic pain. Information, message board, and chat room.
Whiplash Hurts
A message board where support is offered to people dealing with whiplash or related injuries.
Chronic Pain Forum E-Mail List
A forum and e-mail list for chronic pain sufferers and professionals to exchange information.
Living with Daily Pain
Message boards for those who live with daily pain and those who care for them.
Chronic Pain Community
Moderated message boards and chat.
Chronic Pain Message Board
A message board forum for chronic pain sufferers.
Why Me, Marie
A young person's chronic pain site, which offers personal experiences, information and a chat facility.
Yahoo! Groups : Safe Haven CPS
A peer-group support resource for adults
Yahoo! Groups - Support for Chronic Pain
A peer-group support resource for adults.
Help Living With Chronic Pain
Message board facility and information on chronic pain conditions.
MediBoard Network - Chronic Pain and Pain Management
Dedicated to interaction between sufferers of chronic pain through a health minded bulletin board.
RSD Victims Support Group
Online support group for patients and families dealing with reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Provides information, links, news and personal experiences from sufferers.
Friends International CFS/FMS/ME Chronic Pain Support
Online support group for chronic pain conditions.