Multiple Myeloma
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Web Pages
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Non-profit organization fighting blood related cancers including myeloma. Provides general information, news and links to local chapters.
Multiple Myeloma Survivor Stories
Resource for patients to share and receive stories from others facing this disease.
Cleveland Clinic Myeloma Center
Focus on the institution and its orientation to care, education, resources and research. Provides contact information.
Cancer Treatment Centers of America: Multiple Myeloma
Provides information about risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.
Larry's Marathon
Larry Donohue will participate in the Team in Training Marathon to raise awareness of multiple myeloma and to raise funds for research and patient aid.
Multiple Myeloma and its Journey Into My Life
Describes the transition of Tom Holm-Hansen from an active outdoors person to a cancer survivor.
General Practice Notebook: Multiple Myeloma
Clinically-oriented information.
Chicago Myeloma Foundation
Provides the philosophy of the organization and contact information. Located in Downers Grove, Illinois.
Nordic Myeloma Study Group
Description of this multi-country network of Scandinavian hospitals, clinics and resources.
UK Myeloma Forum
Non-profit charity providing resources for the diagnosis, care and research of myeloma and plasma-cell disorders. Located in London, England.
Transplants are Miracles in Progress
Story about one man's recovery from multiple myeloma.
The International Myeloma Foundation
Non-profit organization featuring research, clinical trials, events, fundraising and a newsletter.
The Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation
Non-profit aims include fostering a cure by funding research. Addresses the organization, the disease, treatment options and clinical trials.
Imperial Cancer Research Fund: Multiple Myeloma
UK charity offers information about risk factors, diagnosis and treatment.
Support resource for multiple myeloma includes information, links and a forum.
My Multiple Myeloma Journey
A patient's chronicle of her experience with this condition.
Newer Approaches to Multiple Myeloma Treatment Offer Hope
Overview article.
International Myeloma Foundation UK
Resource for those seeking information about the treatment and management of multiple myeloma.