Web Pages
The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh - Diploma in Medical Informatics
Offers an online, distance learning course as well as studies in electronic information exchange related to medicine.
Medical metasearch engine for health care providers.
Health Informatics Chat
Online forum for discussion of nursing and health informatics geared toward health professionals, health informatics professionals and interested others.
The Medical Algorithms Project
Useful site for those interested in the algorithms behind computations, formulae, surveys, or look-up tables used in healthcare. More than 4600 algorithms, organized into 45 chapters, are available as downloadable spreadsheets. Algorithm documentation is available online.
Biostatistical Resources
Statistical resources and services for health care researchers. Statistical support provided to physicians and other health care professionals engaged in biomedical research.
A NLG-formalism which allows for the automatic, syntax-driven generation of stylistically acceptable clinical documents.
Regenstrief Institute Medical Informatics Fellowship
Non-profit medical research organization. Details of core curriculum, training details, research fellowships. Based in Indianapolis, Indiana.
W.M. Keck Center for Computational and Structural Biology
Research and training at the interface between biological and biomedical sciences and the computational and physical sciences. Detailed page on publications and research.
Institute of Medical Informatics, Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam
Research in diagnostic processes and analysis and interpretation of medical databases. Considerable information within annual reports,some downloadable material and publication lists.
Charles Safran, M.D. M.S.: Medical Informatics On The Web
list of related sites.
Center for Medical Informatics - Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Projects around World Wide Web (WWW) based signout and discharge summary systems that capture and store information about a patient’s hospitalization, provider identification and notification systems, disease management, remote consultation,outpatient electronic record systems(OEMRRI), CITE, PharmFree, Med JAAM a Web-based evidence based medicine system).
The Medical College of Wisconsin Medical Informatics Division
A basic page of informatics related links.
Pathmaster project of the Yale Center for Medical Informatics
PathMaster is a prototype cell-image database developed to serve as a pilot Next Generation Internet (NGI) testbed. PathMaster extracts mathematical features from cytology images and uses those features to index and retrieve cell images from an image database.
Cognitive Science Branch (CgSB) National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health
Research in computer and information technologies involving investigation of linguistic, statistical, and knowledge-based methods, for improving access to biomedical information. Participation in the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS)project, NLM's Indexing Initiative and use of digital libraries. Collaborating with NLM's History of Medicine Division on profiles in science, a project to digitize collections of prominent biomedical scientists.
An international bimonthly magazine about the internet and its application in medicine and health for health students and professionals.
IT Perspectives: Research, Evaluation and Consultancy in Health Infomatics and NHS Services
IT Perspectives, Providers of research, evaluation and consultancy in health infomatics and NHS and medical services. e-booking, electronic booking, ebooking, ICRS, EHR
MedExpert / WWW
A set of medical URLs for fields linking to 65 medical expert and knowledge-based systems. Details of the programs, links to online versions, information about pricing and availability, clinical use, information about the developer, contact addresses, and evalution statistics. Site indicates last update March 16, 2002.
Software that offers management advice following a diagnosis. This includes prescribing and non-drug advice, doctor/patient shared screens, patient information leaflets, when to investigate and when to refer as well as clinical background information for use outside the consultation, as reference or learning material. The knowledge base covers around 131 conditions.
Sowerby Centre for Health Informatics at Newcastle (SCHIN)
UK research centre. Active in Clinical Practice Guideline Architecture (CPGA) with HL7 also working on PRODIGY project and GALEN as well as the County Durham & Darlington Electronic Health Record Project (DuDEHR).
Gateway to Health Informatics For Teaching (GHIFT)
Information on acronyms, CAL resources, events, internet print and learning resources, organisations, and people.
Alberta Research Council, Health Informatics
Oganisation develops informatics technology and is associated with the Alberta WellNet project. Site links to their telehealth material and a number of commercial development links.
The health informatics resource
Offering information and internet based courses for healthcare workers worldwide
Medical Informatics Courses from National Library of Medicine
Overview, faculty details, logistics and how to apply information provided as well as archive and details of other courses.