Personal Pages
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Web Pages
HLHS - Benjamin's Hope
A personal site dedicated to a son, and his fight against HLHS, hypoplastic left heart syndrome. A place to find hope and strength.
Little Gina
A personal story about Gina Mehri, who was born with a congenital heart defect know as AV Canal. Included is a diary of her cardiology visits.
Joshua David's Heart
A personal story of a boy who had hypoplastic left heart syndrome, a very serious congenital heart disease. Read his story, see his photos, links, poems and guest book.
Benjamin Coker's Special Heart
Benjamin was born with complex Congenital Heart Defects. He has had three open heart surgeries, the Norwood, Bi-Directional Glenn and the Fontan. His story is told by his family.
Will's Heart Page
An overview of our son's congenital heart disease. Links and information for families of children with heart defects.
Victorias Heart
A personal story, of a baby born in 1983 with complex heart defects including tricuspid atresia, asd, vsd, and coarctation of the aorta.
HLHS - Brett's World
A Mom tell of her son's continued fight with a serious heart defect called hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Offers links and information.
Callum's Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome Page
A personal story told by Callum's parents about their experiences with this disorder.
Steve's Congenital Heart Page
A page about living with TGA through the eyes of the patient, has some graphic pictures after having open heart surgery.
For Cameron
Cameron, born with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, on November 27, 2000. Includes details about his surgeries, links, information and pictures.
My Name is Roosje Smid
Information about this 4 year old who has Pulmonary Hypertension, a Congenital Heart Lung Defect. Heart lung transplant will be needed in the future.
Vivian Lemke's HLHS Story
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) information page and her life with her sisters in The Lemke Family.