Web Pages
Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Markets a range of infertility treatments and endocrinology products.
Fertility Drug "Abuse" on the Rise
ABCNews article about the need for careful patient monitoring during treatment with fertility drugs in order to reduce the risk of dangerous multiple pregnancies.
Fertility Drugs
Information on fertility drugs, what conditions specific drugs are used for, dosage information, side effects, risk of multiple pregnancy and long-term safety. Medications profiled include clomiphene citrate (Clomid, Serophene), hMG (Pergonal, Humegon, Repronex), urofollitropin/FSH (Fertinex, Follistim, Gonal-F), hCG (Profasi, Pregnyl, APL), bromocriptine and cabergoline (Parlodel, Dostinex), progesterone (Crinone, Prometrium), GnRH (Factrel, Luterepulse) and GnRH agonists (Lupron, Synarel, Zoladex).
Fertility Drugs for Men
Information on medications (such as Clomid) that can help correct hormonal imbalances that lead to fertility problems in men.
Fertility Drugs for Women
Information including side effects, cost and success rates for medications used to treat infertility including clomiphene (Clomid, Serophene), human menopausal gonodotropin (Pergonal, Metrodin, Repronex, Perganyl), FSH (Fertinex, Follistim, Gonal-F) and bromocriptine (Parlodel).
Fertility Treatment: Drugs page on fertility drugs.
Know Your Fertility Meds
A complete list of infertility and fertility medications including telephone numbers to manufacturers.
What Are the Most Common Fertility drugs?
Discussion of which medications are most commonly used and what they are used for.
Fertility Drugs Do Not Raise Breast, Ovarian Or Uterine Cancer Risk
Article in Family Planning Perspectives summarizes the findings of a study in Australia.
Drugs for Infertility
Here you can find information on the various medications used for treatment. Learn the types, costs and how to administer them.
Mother's Little Helper
Common drugs used to treat infertility in women, what they do, approximate costs, side effects.