Web Pages
[UNDERcurrents] Photosensitive Epilepsy
Article by Professor Graham Harding summarizing the causes and guidelines for prevention of photosensitive seizures.
[CNN] Cartoon-based illness mystifies Japan
News story on a rash of seizures during the broadcast of a Pokemon cartoon.
Photosensitive Epilepsy
Article from the British Epilepsy Association discussing the history of photosensitive seizures in relation to television, as well as other possible triggers.
Photosensitive Epilepsy
Factsheet from the Epilepsy Association of Scotland with advice on how to avoid seizures in various situations.
Harding Flash and Pattern Analyser
Details about the HardingFPA, developed by Cambridge Research Systems with the expertise of Professor Graham Harding, analyses television clips for sequences that could cause epileptic fits in photosensitive individuals.
Photosensitive Epilepsy
Article by Dr. Graham Harding and answers to questions from Epilepsy Matters, the newsletter of the Canadian Epilepsy Alliance.
The Effect of Television Frame Rate on EEG Abnormalities in Photosensitive and Pattern-sensitive Epilepsy
Abstract of article published in Epilepsia.
New Technology, New Risks
Article by Mindy Huang, a medical writer at Medscape Professional.
Reflex epilepsy and reflex seizures of the visual system: a clinical review - Epileptic Disorders
Full text of paper by Benjamin G. Zifkin and Dorothée Kasteleijn-Nolst Trenité. Published in Epileptic Disorders.
How Computer Games Can Be Bad For Your Brain
Health Report interview with Dr. Graham Harding, an expert on photosensitive epilepsy.
Photosensitivity FAQ
Answers to frequently asked questions from the United Kingdom's National Society for Epilepsy.