Alexander Technique
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Web Pages
The Complete Guide to the Alexander Technique
Includes definitions, how to find a teacher, scientific and medical research, foreign language material, interactive resources, books and links.
Alexander Technique and Posture
Explanation of how this method can help improve posture.
Alexander Technique International
ATI - Includes a collection of articles - several in French, German and Swedish - and a list of teaching members, links, and a list of books and videos.
The Performance School Online
Seattle center featuring online opportunities to study the Alexander Technique.
A journal on the Alexander Technique published in Australia. Subscription information, message boards, links.
The Alexander Technique
Includes brief descriptions and information on how it is taught as well as useful links.
Mornum Time Press
A family-run press specializing in books on the Alexander Technique.
Canadian Society of Teachers of the F. M. Alexander Technique
Includes a description of the Technique, a directory of teachers and teacher training courses, links and book list.
Westminster Alexander Centre
Introductory articles on the technique, including: Alexander Technique and the Work-Place, Voice and Respiration, and Health and Fitness.
Education 2000
Resources for parents and teachers who would like to see the Alexander Technique used in schools.
Advice for Students of the Alexander Technique
Finding and choosing a teacher, and getting the most from your lessons.
The F M Alexander Charitable Trust
A registered charity which educates the public in the Alexander Technique and promotes research and study.
American Society for the Alexander Technique
AmSAT - Includes a directory of teaching members, book catalog, workshops, a series of articles, and links.
Massage Therapy and the Alexander Technique
How this method can help the Massage Therapist avoid unnecessary strain and lessen the linklihood of burnout.
Alexander Technique - An overview
Basic intorductory information about the Technique.
Alexander Technique Books
Description, excerpt, reviews and ordering information about "Fitness Without Stress - A Guide to the Alexander Technique"
Notes on an Alexander Lesson
Explanations and Illustrations of the Alexander Technique.
Alexander the Great
A brief account of the origins of the Alexander Technique and how students have been helped by it.
Balance Arts
Products and services to improve balance of movement, based on the Alexander Technique.
The Necessity of Relaxation Workshops
Offers a description of the Alexander Technique for performers.
The Alexander Technique and Tai Chi
How this method can help with the practice of Tai Chi.
Annual Barstow/Alexander Technique Institute
Summer program for those who want to learn the practical benefits of this method.
Adventures in Fitness Self Discovery with the Alexander Technique
One student's experience taking lessons.
Alexander Technique - Suite
Several short articles, message board, and a large collection of links.
Alexander Technique Associates
Description and information about this method; Australian workshops and teachers.
Alexander Technique and Yoga
How this method can help with the practice of Yoga.
Alexander Technique Birth Stories
Personal accounts of the role this method can play in childbirth
Australian Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique
Links to articles and a teachers' list.
Fitness - The Quality Factor
How the Alexander Technique can supply the "missing ingredient" needed to make fitness programs safe and effective.
Alexander Technique Centre in Belgium
Information in French and English; articles and a teachers' list.
Alexander Technique International - Sydney, Australia
Teacher information, articles, endorsements, links.
Mastering the Science of Kinesthetic Awareness
Clear description of the origins of the Alexander Technique and its teaching process
Self Care and the Alexander Technique
How this method can help people suffering from stress.
Alexander Technique
A short, concise description by a physical therapist and teacher of this method.
Alexander Technique at OmPlace
A collection of articles, weblinks, directories and forums relating to this method.
Alexander Technique Consultants
Information about the Technique; references, question board, links.
Aardvark Alexander Technique Web Site
One student's experience taking lessons.
Alexander Technique at Health Plus Web
A short description of the Technique's principles and benefits.
Beyond Ergonomics
An Alexander Technique teacher examines the limitations of ergonomic furniture.
Alexander Self-Help
A teacher explores ways to improve your physical functioning based on the principles of the Alexander Technique.
Move Over Yoga: Try the Alexander Technique
A short introduction to the Technique and some self-exploration exercises.
The Alexander Technique and Physical Therapy
A physical therapist explains the relationship between these two fields.
Learning from Tiger Woods
Tiger Woods' quest for continual improvement and that of F. M. Alexander, developer of the Alexander Technique
Focusing and the Alexander Technique
A teacher of both methods describes the ways they can complement each other.
Alexander Technique
A short description of this method from New Health Magazine
Alexander Technique
Comprehensive collection of short articles in English and French.
Physical Therapy and the Alexander Technique Homepage
Articles, books and links exploring the relationship between these two fields. - The Alexander Technique
A very short description of this method.
The American Center for the Alexander Technique
Training center for Alexander teachers in New York City.
The Teaching of F. Matthias Alexander
A summary of the discoveries that led to the Alexander Technique.
Alexander Technique and Physical Therapy
An exploration of the relationship between these two fields.
Absolute Beginner's Guide to the Alexander Technique
Basic information for anyone contemplating taking lessons.
The Alexander Technique and Cranio-sacral Therapy
Explanation of how these two modalities complement one another.
Prototypes of Holistic Achievement
Sir George Trevelyan on F. M. Alexander and Rudolph Steiner
Association of New Zealand Teachers of the Alexander Technique
Contact list, calendar of activities, forum and links.
Alexander Technique - A Conversation with Nigel Hornby
The interesting story of one teacher's experiences with his study of this method.
Alexander Technique: My Experience
A Multiple Sclerosis patient describes his experience with the Technique.
The Alexander Technique and Sports Performance
Ways in which the Technique can help athletic performance.
Yoga and the Alexander Technique
Two yoga instructors explain how the Technique can help with the yoga practitioner
The Alexander Technique - What is It?
Description of the technique emphasizing it's basic concepts.
Technique Alexander
French language description of the Technique.
How the Alexander Technique can help posture-related conditions such as back pain, arthritis and asthma.
F. M. Alexander
A concise biography of the founder of the Alexander Technique.
The Alexander Technique - Education for the Aching Back
A physical therapist explains how this method can help backpain sufferers.
Embodying Peace - An Introduction to the Alexander Technique
A short intoduction to this method.
Alexander Technique Teacher Training
A comprehensive guide for anyone considering becoming a teacher.