Vitamin E
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Web Pages
Discusses vitamin E's role in the human body, intake requirements, and foods containing the vitamin.
Has definition of, sources, health benefits, products, and resource information concerning tocotrienol which is associated with Vitamin E.
Can Vitamin E Prevent Heart Disease
Article discussing history, functions, and studies concerning the vitamins role in heart disease prevention.
Vitamin E
Explains the functions of, suggested intake, food sources, and benefits of mineral in diet.
Vitamin E
Extensive articles and scientific information for the vitamin including latest research studies, role in human body, heart disease prevention, and myths verses fads.
Vitamin E - TrekFit
Explains how Vitamin E (an "antioxidant"), relates to heart disease, and its interaction with Vitamin K. It also explains why deficiencies are rare, and lists the food sources where Vitamin E is abundant.
Fish Oils and Vitamin E
Summaries of the latest research concerning fish oils and vitamin E.
Vitamin E
Discussion of its function, deficiency, disease prevention, disease treatment, food sources, supplements, research, and recommendations from the Linus Pauling Institute.