Web Pages
Information about history, pathology, treatment, prevention, eradication with references.
Smallpox: Clinical and Epidemiologic Features
Describes in detail the disease characteristics.
The Demon in the Freezer
The story of how smallpox, a disease of officially eradicated became the biggest bioterrorist threat we now face.
LearnWell Online Course
A short course for nursing continuing education on smallpox.
Smallpox Information Center
A focused selection of information to help the general public understand the issues with this disease.
Edward Jenner
Exhibit marking his first experimental vaccination against the disease.
UN's smallpox terror alert
The relation of smallpox with terrorism and terrorist attacks.
SmallPox News
Information and suggestions for Public Health response and planning for smallpox. Explanations and description of vaccinia (live virus) inoculation.
AAP Supports 'Ring Vaccination' in Case of Smallpox Outbreak
American Academy of Pediatricians policy statement supporting vaccinating only contacts of any future smallpox cases, given the currently low risk of widescale bioterrorist attacks and the potential for bad reactions.
CDC - Smallpox Information
guide to smallpox including basic facts, history, vaccination facts, treament information, and other reference materials
Smallpox Virus Illustrations
Computer graphic illustrations of the smallpox virus showing its external appearance, internal structure and life cycle.
eMedicine - Smallpox
Dr. Christopher Hogan offers a review of smallpox symptoms, vaccine history, mortality statistics, and vaccination options. Includes pictures of smallpox infection in affected adults and infants.
By Whale: A look at this diseases severity and infectiousness, vaccine damage and failures and links to articles.
Smallpox Mass Vaccination Readiness Plan
Educational information regarding smallpox, its vaccine, and emergency procedures in the event of an outbreak. Company offers to create similar websites for local public health organizations in the US.