Garlic and Onions
Home>Animal>Alternative_Medicine>Herbs>Garlic and Onions
Web Pages
ProVet pet healthcare information article on benefits of feeding garlic to pets.
Garlic Tick-Be-Gone!
Article on using garlic to rid your pet of fleas and ticks.
Garlic and Pets
Article on using garlic for allergies, flea prevention and infections in dogs and horses.
Supplemental Garlic
Article on Heinz body anemia and hemolytic anemia caused by garlic, onions, shallots, and related plants, fed to cats.
Garlic: Nature's Wonder Drug by Elaine Crews, ND
PetTribune article on the benefits of using garlic as a food supplement for pets.
Archives of forum discussions on cats and garlic.
Onion Toxicity
Article on onion toxicity in birds.
Article on the active ingredient (dipropyl disulfide) causing onion toxicity in cats.
Anemia Caused by Onions
Article on onion toxicity in monkeys, dogs and cats.
Onions are Toxic to Dogs and Cats
Why onions are toxic to dogs and cats, and the treatment for toxicity.
Use of Garlic in Dogs and Cats
Article on the active ingredients in garlic and how they should be used to treat pets.
Onion Salt and Powder in Pet Food
Iams Company article describing why onion salt and powder are used in pet foods, how they can harm dogs and cats, and how you can tell if they are in a pet food.
Onion Breath
Article on onion toxicity in pets, written for the pet owner.
Onions and Garlic
Sources, signs, immediate care, and veterinarian care of an exposure to toxins known as onions and garlic.