Web Pages |
Support Concern and Resources for Eating Disorder (S.C.a.R.E.D) |
Offers information, chat, resources and services. Interactive on line support available. |
The Recovery Group Home Page |
Online recovery group for overeaters who are also alcoholics. |
Bodycage |
Provides a platform for information, support and understanding for sufferers and loved ones. |
Sheena's Place |
A community based support center in Toronto offering support group programs, outreach/education, and resources for parents and teens. Programs are free of charge. |
Be Totally Free |
Individuals who have found a common solution for overcoming all addictions, including eating disorders, share their personal success stories and the way out. |
Eating Addictions Anonymous |
EAA is a fellowship of men and women recovering from all types of eating and body image addiction. We aren't about diet obsession, food manipulation, or self hating vanity. |
Recovery - Over Eaters Online |
Discussion group for people recovering from various eating disorders. |
HotJ |
A twelve step discussion group for compulsive overeaters. |
Anorexia On-Line Support Group Network |
Allows anorexics and their family members to interact and offer support ato each other. Includes personal stories and testimonials and other online support. |
Connie's ED Lighthouse |
Anorexics, bulimics, compulsive overeaters and those who love and care about them are all welcome here. Sharing our experiences, strength and hope as we learn to handle our emotions without turning to the food as our protector. |
Lambs Lounge |
This forum will offer support for those suffering from eating disorders. Eating disorders can be a result of depression, abuse, neglect, peer pressure. |
Purple Chocolate |
Supporte page and forums for sufferers from eating disorders. |
Pale Reflections - Eating disorders community |
Eating disorders support community with a free members area, member search facility, and email newsletter. |
Eating Disorders Foundation of NSW Inc. |
Support and information to people whose lives have been affected by eating disorder. |
boa · Bulimia, Overeating & Anorexia (Yahoo Group) |
Forum to provide an optimistic outlook on recovery from eating disorders. |
Male Eating Disorders |
For men and women who suffer from eating disorders. |
Everything Ana |
Anorexia/Eating Disorders discussion boards. |
The CEDRIC Centre |
Support and recovery for sufferers of disordered eating patterns. |
Eating Distress Media Awareness Group |
Group of individuals concerned with the coverage of eating disorders in the mass media. |
Free of Bulimia II (Yahoo Group) |
Christian support group for sufferers of bulimia and anorexia. |
One Day at a Time (ODAT) - Online |
Gateway to online support groups for men and women. Currently supporting groups divided by religion, age, disease, and other factors. Services include bulletin boards and group meetings (both for members only - able to join online). |
Raleigh EDA - eating disorders awareness |
Brief information on anorexia, bulimia, and binge disorders plus links to other sites. |
Eating Disorders Support Center |
Support center and discussion groups for people with an eating disorder. |
Scottish Eating Disorder Interest Group |
Open to anyone with an interest in eating disorders, with an emphasis on a mix of professional and self-help participation. Links members into a network for care for people with eating disorders. |
Flushed |
An online quarterly zine by people and for people with eating disorders and body image issues. |
Help 4MOMS |
Online free support group for moms with daughters struggling with an eating disorder. |
Free of Bulimia (Yahoo Group) |
Christian support group for eating disorders bulimia and anorexia. |
Picky Eating Adults Support |
Support and information to people whose lives have been adversely affected by their lifelong picky eating habits. |
Normal Eating |
Articles and a support group for learning to eat normally, i.e. in response to hunger and satiation cues. |
Eden - Eating Disorders and Education Network |
A not-for-profit organization (in Michigan) provides eating disorder help, support groups, and recovery programs for those struggling with anorexia, bulimia, compulsive eating, overeating, and emotional/binge eating. |
Ebony OA |
Special Emphasis Overeaters Anonymous Group geared towards African Americans dealing with compulsive overeating and other eating disorders. |
Secret Ana Girl |
Place for those affected by eating disorders to share their experiences. |
Buddies For Life |
Find a buddy to help you overcome your eating disorder or to help you survive it until you feel you can ask for help. |
Dallas Compulsive Eaters Anonymous (CEA-HOW) |
Non-profit fellowship for individuals who are recovering from compulsive eating and food addiction. Follows the H.O.W. concept of 12 steps and 12 traditions as a program of recovery. Program description, meetings and events calendar, and chat room. |
Christians Coping With Eating Disorders (Yahoo Group) |
An ecumenical support group for Christians with eating disorders (including anorexia, bulimia and compulsive overeating). |
Disordered Eaters' Recovery Program (MSN Group) |
Support group for people who are anorexic, bulimic, compulsive overeaters, binge eaters, exercise bulimics, compulsive diet obsessors, or orthorexics (obsessed with eating only organic, vegetarian, "healthy" foods). Michigan based. |
The Bridge (MNS Group) |
A place for anorectic and bulimic women to come to feel understood, to support each other, and to listen and learn. |
Eating Disorder Message Forum |
A place to meet friends, post and reply to messages. |
Eating Disorders Forum |
Eating disorders forums for those in recovery with Anorexia, Bulimia, and other eating disorders. |
Eating Disorders Support Group (Hull & East Yorkshire) |
Support Group for both eating disorders sufferers and caregivers in the Hull and E. Yorkshire area. |
HealthyPlace.com: Concerned Counseling Eating Disorders Website |
Information, support groups and chats for those suffering from anorexia, bulimia, and overeating. |
Healthy Models.com |
Help for youth escape from eating disorders associated with unrealistic expectations and pressures placed on them by models. |