Personal Pages
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Web Pages
Official Ann Jillian Web Site
Surviving and thriving after facing breast cancer, this Emmy award-winning actress shares her life.
Nancy's story: Breast Cancer
Information, support, resources and links.
The Betsy Mullen Story
Diagnosed with breast cancer in 1992, the author's experience led her to become an informed patient advocate.
La Muffin's Breast Cancer
Given the diagnosis at age 41. Discusses treatment and reconstruction, and presents favored links.
David Treadwell
A husband's perspective of his wife's experience with breast cancer.
Early onset breast cancer.
The mother of Rebecca Lobo speaks about breast cancer. Facts, options, spiritual issues and other resources.
My Experience With Breast Cancer
Patricia Murray's illustrated journey.
From The Sidelines: Jackie's Story
The value gained when a coach assists with the problems faced during breast cancer treatment.
Asha Mevlana
At age 24 Asha was diagnosed with breast cancer.
Dana W. Smith: Breast cancer
Details the events surrounding a woman's suicide while being treated with the drug tamoxifen.
Thinking of You
Detect breast cancer just by kissing your partner. A personal story.
Tara McParland: Remembrance
Journey of Hope, a battle against breast cancer.
Bad Hair Days: Cancer Journal
Chronicles an experience with breast cancer treatment including radical mastectomy, radiation and chemotherapy.
My Cancer Odyssey
Details an individual experience with breast cancer.
Remember Eternity
Story and presentations about breast cancer.
My Breast Cancer Journal
One woman's fight. Includes links for treatment, support and inspiration.
A Survivor and Her Journey
Mother of four shares her battle with breast cancer.
Inflammatory Breast Cancer Memorial
Memorial for those who have passed away. Each IBC victim has their own page.
Sue Simmons: Breast Cancer
Discovery, treatment and ongoing recovery.
Kids of Breast Cancer
For children whose parent is diagnosed with the condition.
My Little Space on the Net
The author's struggle with breast cancer, tribute to her best friend, memorial for her brother, poems, stories and inspiration.
My Breast Cancer Success AU
Sue Walker's story.
Stan and Carol's: INFO Breast Cancer
Raising awareness, providing information, support and links.
Cheryl Greene
A story of battling inflammatory breast cancer.
Second Chance at Life: Breast Cancer
Learning, surviving and keeping a sense of humor. Links oriented.
Diane De Tar: In Loving Memory
A story of living life with breast cancer and dying with dignity.
Hope For Breast Cancer
Tribute as composed by a teen to her mother and aunt.
Journey and Life Inspiration
The movement of an individual through breast cancer diagnosis and treatment into exploration of the meaning of life.
For You Mam: Breast Cancer
Dedicated tribute and general information.
Breast Cancer Wall of Courage
Lists names of survivors and those who have passed.
Remission Accomplished
Kelly Munsell was diagnosed with breast cancer at 27.
Barb Morgan's Breast Cancer Corner
Offers links to information and support with a Canadian orientation. Provides easy listening while you surf.
CBC The Passionate Eye: Angela's Journey
A personal look at one woman's journey with breast cancer. View excerpts of her story online.
Bunnies 4 Boobs
Dedicated to Delight Leonard, outlining the author's Avon 3-day breast cancer walk. How Breast Cancer Spiced Up My Marriage
A survivor's story including links to online resources and donation sites.