Sickle Cell
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Web Pages
Sickle Cell Disease Association of America
Education, advocacy and other initiatives which promote awareness and support for sickle cell programs and patients.
Sickle Cell Disease
Personal fight against this disease. Poems, articles, links and photos.
My Sickle Cell Homepage
Provides a first hand look at Sickle Cell Anemia, built by a person suffering from the disease. Frequently asked questions and a personal diary of the owner's own battle with this disease.
Mamas Health
A definition of sickle cell anemia, what it is, how one gets it, symptoms, statistics and testing.
Sickle Cell Disease: Information for Health Professionals
Basic facts, symptoms, how to recognise a crisis, diagnosis and management are some of the topics covered.
Joint Center for Sickle Cell and Thalassemic Disorders
Gives an evaluation of the causes and treatments of sickle cell disease as well as current research. Information is available both for lay persons as well as health care providers.
Sickle Cell Society
A UK-based charity which provides care and information. Site includes research findings, pain management techniques, and teaching resources.
Awake Correspondent in Nigeria
An article about sickle-cell anemia with an explanation, the symptoms, treatment, prevention and how it is passed on.
Natural History of Sickle Cell Disease in India
Lists and describes the contribution of Dr. Bimal Chandra Kar. Patient resources, papers and publications. Sickle Cell Anemia
Takes a look at this disorder with a definition, causes, incidence and risk factors.
Sickle Cell Disease Review
Promotes and disseminates research into the scientific, clinical and social aspects of this disorder. Literature review, bibliography, and general information on the disease.
Avoiding a Sickle Cell Crisis
Advice from on ways to avoid crises.
Hertz Nazaire - Sickle Cell Patient Information
A comprehensive, patient run sickle cell information site. The information is presented from the patient's point of view. There are discussion boards, links, and art.
Sickle Cell Information Center
Current information for health care providers, patients, the public, teachers and others with online treatment guideline books, a tutorial, multiple links to other sickle cell sites and a directory of clinics in the US.
Sickle Cell Advocates for Research and Empowerment (S. C.A. R.E. )
Patient-oriented information.
The American Sickle Cell Anemia Association
A non-profit organisation based in Cleveland Ohio whose objectives are to raise awareness of the condition. Features educational material, FAQs, support groups and a message board.
Sickle Cell Course for Nurses
The basics about sickle cell disease. Pictures of common presentations are provided.
The Sickle Cell Foundation of Alberta
Educates the public about sickle cell disease and provides support for carriers of the trait and their families.
Sickle Cell Disease
Information for school personnel.
Unit for the Social Study of Thalassaemia and Sickle Cell
A UK based social studies site for thalassaemia and sickle cell, including bibliography, quiz, and links to other major sites.