Hymen Restoration
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Web Pages
InterNet Evangelism and Teaching
Discussion of the moral and religious issues surrounding the procedure from a Christian point of view.
What's Behind Retro Virginity?
Article from the Toronto Star about the various reasons women have the procedure performed for.
Latina Online: Forever Virgin
An article about how gender attitudes in Latin America influence Latinas in America to undergo hymen reconstruction and vaginal tightening surgery.
Just Like a Virgin?
Article on Toronto plastic surgeon Robert Stubbs who performs the procedure.
Mufti Backs Hymen Restoration for Rape Victims
Article from the Cairo Times on Farid Wassel's declaration that hymen restoration is permissible in cases of rape.
Restoring Virginity
An article from the Berkeley Medical Journal on how the procedure is used in non-Western societies where the virginity of the bride is valued for religious, social, and economic reasons.
Dutch Doctors Creating "Born Again Virgins"
Article from Medical Post Online about the controversy surrounding gynecologists in the Netherlands who reconstruct the hymens of adolescent girls.