Carbohydrates, Sugars, Fiber
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Web Pages
Grain or Meat Diets, Which One Is Best For Dogs and Cats?
An article by Dr. T. J. Dunn, contrasting grain-based and meat-based diets fed to dogs and cats.
No Grains?
Article by Pets 4Life argues against feeding grains to dogs and cats.
Carbohydrate Sources and their Use in Food
Iams Company article on carbohydrate sources, optimal digestibility, and energy levels.
Beet Pulp in Pet Foods
Iams Company article on what beet pulp is, myths about beet pulp and how it is used in pet foods.
Corn in Pet Foods
Iams Company article on corn ingredients, false claims about indigestibility of corn by pets, and food allergies to corn.
Dietary Fibre
ProVet healthcare information article on fibre in dog and cat diets.
The Benefits of Beet Pulp in Pet Foods
Beet pulp is an excellent insoluble fiber source included in pet foods, but is it safe and beneficial for your pet?
Article on structure, sources, functions, deficinecy and excess of fibre.