Fats, Oils, Fatty Acids
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Web Pages
Diet and the Skin
Pet Nutrition Corner, Wendy C. Brooks, DVM, DABVP. Article on using omega-3 fatty acids to support healthy skin.
ProVet pet healthcare information article on the importance of fats in the canine and feline diets.
Fats, Pets and Health
Pets First article by David Dyble B.Sc., M.Sc., P.Ag. Nutritionist, on the role of fats and fatty acids in the canine and feline diets.
Fatty Acids and Diet
Article by Dr. T. J. Dunn, about essential fatty acids, their structures and how they are best used as food supplements for dogs and cats.
What Calorie/Fat Terms on a Pet Food Label Mean
The Iams Company information article on the difference between light, lean and reduced calorie pet foods.
Cod Liver Oil Supplementation
ProVet healthcare information article on whether cod liver oil supplementation for dogs and cats, and the danger of vitamin A toxicity.
Article on essential fatty acids, functions of fat, and effects of fat ecess and deficiency.