Commercial Pet Food
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Web Pages
Alternative Medicine: Commercial Pet Food
Article discussing the pitfalls of commercial pet foods, and their negative effects on health.
AltVetMed: Premium Natural Pet Foods
List of manufacturers of premium natural pet foods who do not use artificial preservatives and additives.
Animal Protection Institute: What's Really in Pet Food
Report explores the differences between what consumers think they are buying compared to what they are actually getting, when they purchase pet foods.
Earthland Island Journal: The Truth About Cat and Dog Food
Editorial criticizing the commercial pet food industry.
FDA: Interpreting Pet Food Labels
Information for Consumers on interpreting pet food labels.
FDA: Interpreting Special Use Pet Food Labels
Information for Consumers on interpreting special use pet food labels.
Food not Fit for a Pet
Article by holistic vet Wendell Belfield, about disadvantages of commercial pet foods.
Our Pets Our Dying For It
Editorial on harmful effects of commercial pet food.
Pet Food Institute Pet Food Report: A Consumer's Guide to Pet Food
Answers common questions about pet food so pet owners can make an informed decision on what to feed their pet. Contains interactive pet food labels so consumers may learn more about is in their pet's food.
ProVet: Are Pet Foods Dangerous?
Arguments in support of feeding commercial pet food, and discussing the dangers of homemade diets and feeding raw meat to pets.
ProVet : Additives in Pet Foods
Article discussing the benefits of pet food additives found in commercial pet foods.
ProVet: Pet Food Sales
Demographics on pet food sales.
Pet Food Supplement Magazine
Periodical on additives to commercial pet foods.
Polluted Pet Food
Alternative News article on contaminated ingredients in commercial pet food.
Cat and Kitten Food Ingredients, Standards, and Requirements
To assure that your cat or kitten is receiving good nutrition, you need to understand pet food ingredients, labeling, and nutritional requirements for fats, proteins, and carbohydrates in felines.
Dr. Jane Bicks - What's In Pet Food?
12 minute audio presentation by holistic veterinarian Dr. Jane Bicks, creator of Life's Abundance Pet Products.
Health Boutique
FDA Issues Warning on Dog Food Made From Diseased Canadian Cow.
Report on the risk from pentobarbital in dog food.
Pet Cuisine: Feeding Galloping Gourmets
FDA Consumer Magazine article on gourmet pet food.
What's Really for Dinner
The truth about what is really in commerical pet foods.