University Programs
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Web Pages
The Animal Cancer Center at Colorado State University
Homepage for the veterinary oncology program at the Colorado State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital
Oncweb - Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine
Some basic information about veterinary oncology, and specific information about Auburn University's Oncology service. Includes links to information for prospective clients.
The Harrington Oncology Program, Tufts University
Information regarding the clinical oncology service at Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine. Includes links to information for prospective clients.
OncoSite - Texas A & M University
Information about small animal cancer, and about the clinical oncology program at TAMU. Includes links to information for prospective clients.
University of Glasgow Veterinary Oncology
Homesite for the University of Glasgow Faculty of Veterinary Medicine oncology service.
University of California - Davis Veterinary Oncology Service
Description of the clinical oncology service at the University of California - Davis School of Veterinary Medicine. Includes links to information for prospective clients.
University of Illinois VTH Oncology Services
Homepage for the University of Illinois clinical oncology service
Veterinary Oncology Program, Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine
Homepage for the LSU Veterinary Oncology program: includes general information for pet owners and veterinarians, as well as links to information for prospective clients.
University of Wisconsin Oncology Service
A description of the Oncology Service at the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital at the University of Wisconsin Madison
Purdue Comparative Oncology Program
Website for the Oncology service at Purdue College of Veterinary Medicine
University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine Oncology Service
Information about the oncology service at University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. Includes links to information for prospective clients.
University of Tennessee Radiation Oncology Program
Information regarding radiation oncology services available at the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine. Includes links to information for prospective clients.