Conditions and Diseases
Home>Animal>Mammals>Cats>Conditions and Diseases
Allergies   Cancer   Deafness   
Feline Cardiomyopathy   Feline Chronic Renal Failure   Feline Herpes   
Feline Hip Dysplasia   Feline Hyperthyroidism   Feline Immunodeficiency Virus   
Feline Infectious Anaemia   Feline Infectious Peritonitis   Feline Leukemia   
Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease   Inflammatory Bowel Disease   Mouth and Dental Conditions   
Pancreatic Disorders   Polycystic Kidney Disease   Respiratory Diseases   
Web Pages
Feline Hepatic Lipidosis
A cat rescuer describes her treatment and success through herbs and homeopathy of four severely ill cats who had developed this fatty liver disease.
The amazing story of "Speedy", a kitten born without a pelvis, and saved by a compassionate veterinarian and assistant with the creation of a prosthetic mobile cart made from K'Nex toys.
Inka's Story
Study dealing with nonketotic hyperosmolar syndrome. Information on the relationship of diet to the disease, glucose charts, case history of this surviving feline.
Fleas and How to Deal With Them
A pragmatic approach to the control of fleas and some links to resources.
Feline Ophthalmology
Symposium presentation on feline eye diseases.