Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease
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Support Groups         
Web Pages
CJD Watch
Database tracking CJD victims in the geographical areas in which they lived, as well as other relevant information. Plus latest news. Versions in Spanish and Swedish.
Please Help Fight Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease
Personal stories of CJD and virtual memorials. Links to information and research related to CJD.
The Many Faces of Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease (CJD)
Factsheet, latest news and families'/CJD victims' personal stories and tributes.
TSE Industrial Platform
Information about transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE).
Clinical description of CJD, UK figures up to 1997 and links to relevant organisations.
The UK Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease Surveillance Unit
Summarizes the research in progress at the CJD unit and also provides background information about CJD and other human spongiform encephalopathies.
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) and Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease (CJD)
Links to reports on emerging infectious diseases related to BSE and CJD in the USA and UK.
Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease
CJD information sheet compiled by NINDS, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
The Australian CJD Homepage
Information about CJD in Australia.
CJD Information Web Ring
Web ring providing information to individuals on CJD.
Mad Cow Disease (CJD)
Information from the Organic Consumers' Association related to mad cow/deer/pig/elk disease in the USA.
Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease (WHO)
World Health Organization factsheet on CJD. Includes brief history, different forms of the disease, clinical features, diagnosis, epidemiology, CJD/BSE link and WHO involvement.
Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease Factsheet
Description of CJD, who gets it, symptoms, CJD and the internet, plus a resource list.
Dementia in Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease
Article on CJD. Clinical description and diagnostic guidelines; diagnostic criteria for research.
Infectious Disease News: Spiroplasma may cause Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease
Interview with Frank O. Bastian MD.
Tufts Neurology: Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease
Image of brain biopsy specimen of patient with CJD, and links to relevant articles.
World Health Organization: Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSE)
Links to information about transmissible spongiform encephalopathies from the World Health Organization. Includes a bovine variety ("mad cow disease"), CJD and related illnesses.
Well Within
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) and CJD; possible contamination of meat, blood products, certain hormones, organs for transplant. Links to relevant information.
Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease
Contacts, links and information about CJD from Family Village.
Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease Associated with Cadaveric Dura Mater Grafts
Article and links about Japanese research findings.
The Mad Cow Calculator
Calculates whether eating beef will more likely give you a heart attack or Mad Cow disease.
CJD Diagnostic and Research Center
Provides diagnostic services and information to caring physicians and families of CJD patients and supports a research program into the cause of CJD.
CJD Foundation, Inc.
Information about CJD, interactive pages, profiles, polls and details of conferences.
The Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease Support Network
Information and support.