Web Pages
Myxedema Coma
A rare complication of untreated hypothyroid disease. The Virtual Hospital: University of Iowa Family Practice Handbook: Chapter 5.
Definition, evaluation, and treatment. The Virtual Hospital: University of Iowa Family Practice Handbook: Chapter 5.
Primary, secondary and juvenile hypothyroidism. Includes photo illustrations. Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism University of Missouri Health Sciences Center Columbia, Missouri.
Sonja's Hypothyroidism Page
Personal account.
Explanation of hypothyroidism. Illustrated. EndocrineWeb.com
Hypothyroidism, dieting and weight loss. Ask the Dietitian SM.
Mayo Clinic: Hypothyroidism
A description of the condition, its symptoms, diagnosis, causes and treatment.
Underactive Thyroid
An overview of the symptoms of an underactive thyroid from the Mayo Clinic.
Is Your Thyroid Making You Fat?
Many sufferers of obesity may be suffering from insufficient thyroid hormone.
Natural Healthlink
Detailed information on thyroid disorder, its symptoms, thyroid gland problems and dietary changes that may be helpful.
MedicineNet State of the Art Medical Information. Description, causes, symptoms, treatment. Includes information about secondary hypothyroidism which is related to an abnormality in the pituitary gland.
InteliHealth - Johns Hopkins Health Information. Answers to questions about hypothyroidism in plain language.
The Clinical Hypothyroid Division: Children
An explanation of this disorder and its causes, symptoms in childhood, progression, diagnosis and treatment.
The Merck Manual: A look at this disease its signs and symptoms and diagnosis, laboratory evaluation and treatment.
The risk factors, causes, symptoms and treatment of hypothyroid disorders. From RXmed.
Patient brochure covering symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, secondary hypothyroidism. The American Thyroid Association. [PDF format]