Diagnostic Tests
Home>Conditions_and_Diseases>Endocrine_Disorders>Thyroid>Diagnostic Tests
Web Pages
Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine
History of nuclear medicine, FAQ and cases including goiter and thyroid scan. English/Greek languages.
Nuclear Medicine Service at Walter Reed Army Medical Center  - Endocrine
Illustrated thyroid and parathyroid scans. Diagnosis and comments.
Common Tests to Examine Thyroid Gland Function
at EndocrineWeb.com
Santa Monica Thyroid Diagnostic Center.
Thyroid Function Tests
Total T4 (T4), Free T4 (FT4), Total T3 (T3), Resin T3 Uptake, sTSH (TSH), Antithyroid Antibodies, Reverse T3.
Thyroid Scan
How and why a thyroid scan is used and what to expect. Intelihealth, Johns Hopkins Health Information.
The reasons for an ultrasound and how it is done. MedicineNet State of the Art Medical Information.