Non-Toxic Living
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Web Pages
The Quintessence of Natural Living
Essays, books and services from Dr. Sidhwa, natural hygiene physician.
The Green Design Initiative
Carnegie Mellon University Green Design Initiative. An industry-academic consortium researching the benefits of managing resources and usage of toxic substances.
The Right-To-Know Network
Databases to identify chemical releases in your neighborhood, toxic waste and industry compliance with federal regulations.
Cleaning Concepts, Inc.
Builds environmental dry cleaning stores. Uses state-of-the-art equipment and no toxic or hazardous solvents in the dry cleaning process, as a business opportunity for clients throughout the world.
HingePin Integrative Learning Materials
Books and continuing education courses on food and nutrition, ecology and environment, alternative medicine and holistic health.
Green Shopping Magazine
A comprehensive mix of articles on green shopping topics that concern everyone who wants to live a healther, more environmentally conscious lifestyle.
The Organic Lab
Formulas and instructions to make your own organic personal care products. All you need is a blender and a green grocer.
Information on handling fibromyalgia, including links, mailing list, and non-medical approaches.
Handcrafted candles made from pure sweet, honey-smelling beeswax. Votives, tapers, pillars, glowing vessels, container candles and beeswax by the block.
Soft Water Naturally
Instructions on producing soft water at home.
Rachel Carson Council
Information and library with information at both scientific and layperson levels on pesticide-related issues.
Maverick Ranch
Tips for non toxic living, avoiding pesticide poisoning and artificial hormones, estrogen and steriods in food.
The Naturally Clean Home
Excerpts from a book which explores the safe, nontoxic, effective and inexpensive cleaning formulas that can be easily made from baking soda, vinegar, beeswax, herbs, essential oils, and other natural ingredients.
Green Living Now
Environmental speaker and writer, Amy Todisco, can teach you how to live a non-toxic, earth-friendly life. Providing one-on-one and group consultations.
Chemicals and Your Health
Watchtower article describes how synthetic chemical compounds have changed our lives.
Baking Soda aka Bicarbonate of Soda
List of household problems solved by the use of this alternative to commercial products. Baking soda is known as bicarbonate of soda in the UK.
The Geomancer
Feng Shui information, including practitioners and schools. Information on geopathic stress and how to reduce its effects and on how why electro-magnetic fields are related to cancer, miscarriages, depression and hyperactivity.
Health & Environment Resource Center
Information on the relationship between environment and human health.
Earth Dr
Ways to protect the home environment from entry of surface and subsurface contaminants. Transport and remediation of contaminants in the ground water and soil atmosphere are detailed.
How to Stop Some Chronic Illnesses
Article describes a way to end a medical problem without drugs by identifying the product that is causing the long-term illness.
Peggy's Page
Family of four raising their children naturally. Vegetarian and vegan recipes, cloth diapering, attachment parenting, baby wearing, breastfeeding, Waldorf-inspired teaching and daily rhythms, American Sign Language, non-toxic home cleaning, organic, genetically engineered food data, and quilting.
Nontoxic Cleaning Tips
Frugal alternatives for households using vinegar, borax, baking soda, lemon, salt, artgum erasers, and botantical resources. Tips for pet owners on grooming and herbal remedy alternatives.
Environmental Alternatives
Description of various environmentally sensitive options including chemical-free products, composting toilets, rainwater catchment, gray water treatment, fire combustors, and food supplements.
Colloidal Silver References
References for information about colloidal silver, a powerful natural antibiotic, which reportedly acts as a catalyst to disable the enzyme needed by one-celled bacteria, viruses and fungi for their oxygen metabolism.
Organic Style
Ezine with resources for living a balanced lifestyle with organic health, beauty, food, and garden features.
Vinegar, Uses For
Vinegar is safe, environmentally friendly and cheap.List of tips that use vinegar.
Clean With Nature
A two-page article on basic nontoxic cleaning, a cleaning kit you can make yourself, and specific directions on how to clean your whole house with it. Longer booklet also available.
Cleaning Chemicals Toxicity Report
An overview on health & safety concerns related to cleaning chemicals & personal care products, supported by a compilation of articles published over the last several years.
Energy Arts Studio
Shared painting studio in the San Francisco East Bay area, with a non-toxic atmosphere, offering slides, easels, feedback, instruction, and wall space for painters to work in shared rooms.
Body Earth Self
Living free of chemicals with natural substitution ideas to help maintain body, mind, and spirit and to increase environmental awareness.
Nancys Natural Cleaning
Offers non-toxic cleaning products, recipes, and tips.