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Web Pages
Vaccine Page, The
Collects updated information about vaccines and immunology for all audiences.
Deals with US & Canadian vaccine recommendations, state and international vaccine information, practice & safety issues, laws & regulations, and government databases.
Immunization Action Coalition (IAC)
Aims to boost immunization rates and prevent disease, with special regard to hepatitis B.
Strategic Health Systems
An information system to help health care providers standardize the way immunizations are administered and recorded.
National Network for Immunization Information (NNii)
The mission of the NNii is to provide the public, health professionals, policy makers, and the media with up-to-date, scientifically valid information related to immunization to help them understand the issues and to make informed decisions.
Basic Immunology and Vaccination
Explores interesting vaccination questions, like why some vaccines work better than others.
Vaccine Knowledge Quiz - Active Learning Centre
Tests vaccine knowledge, has database of information.
Vaccine Information Statements (VIS)
Part of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). PDF files of the current statements are handouts for practice displays and to give to patients.
Vaccine Identification Standards Initiative (VISI)
Uniform guidelines and resources for vaccine packaging, labeling, and recording to enhance the safety of vaccination and the accuracy and convenience of transferring vaccine identifying information into medical records and immunization registries.
Vaccination Services of America
National provider of vaccination services including flu shots.
A journal for academics and workers in the field of vaccination. Relevant topics range from basic research through to applications, safety and legislation.
Institute for Vaccine Safety (IVS)
Providing up-to-date information and links on specific vaccine safety issues as they arise in the media.
Part of Molecular Immunology website. Vaccines for human use classified according to composition, hyperlinks to pathogens, and theoretical basis.
Peripheral and Mucosal Immunity : critical issues for oral vaccine design
Arthur Anderson's page on compartmentalization of immune response, issues for conventional modes of vaccination, solutions to cross-regulation from new technologies and production in transgenic plants.
Ethical, legal and social aspects of vaccine research and vaccinations policies in Europe.
This tries to help by giving simple facts about the different diseases, their corresponding vaccines / vaccinations and the risks attached to both, places to find guidance and allow you to meet others in the same situation.
Provides information on student vaccines against meningitis.
Children's Vaccine Program at Path
An effort to introduce new vaccines to developing countries. Funded by Bill and Melinda Gates' Foundation.
International Vaccine Institute (IVI)
Founded on the belief that health in developing countries can be dramatically improved by the development, introduction and use of new and improved vaccines and that these vaccines should be developed through a dynamic interaction among science, public health, and business.
National Coalition for Adult Immunization (NCAI)
Extensive information on adolescent and adult immunizations. Fact sheets, publications and recommended schedules listed online.
Smallpox Vaccine Research
Medical College of Wisconsin researchers have been studying vaccinia virus, which makes up the smallpox vaccine, as a way of understanding how viruses and vaccines work at the cellular level.
Vaccines, Immunization and Biologicals
The World Health Organization's programme comprises 5 departments : Quality Assurance and Safety of Biologicals (QSB), Vaccine Development (VAD), Vaccine Assessment and Monitoring (VAM), Access to Technologies (ATT) and Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI).
SmithKline Beecham Worldwide Vaccines
A vaccines educational site for healthcare community and public. Sections include vaccine preventable diseases, daily healthcare bulletins, vaccine literature and medical congress databases. (Not intended for US audiences)
Aventis Pasteur
It informs on immunology, vaccines, vaccinations (STD, virus protection,…) and vaccine news (cancer research, AIDS..).
Sabin Vaccine Institute
The Albert B.Sabin Vaccine Institute promotes rapid scientific advances in vaccine development, delivery and distribution worldwide.
Immunization & Vaccination
Outlines the importance of immunization and vaccination for adults and children. Also discusses risks and current issues.
Misconceptions about Immunization
Deals with common misconceptions that can lead parents to question the wisdom of immunizing their children.
Pediatric Oncall
Find out about various vaccines for vaccine preventable diseases that can be given in a child (information for doctors). Free registration required
Pediatric Oncall
Find out all about various vaccines for vaccine preventable diseases that can be given in a child (information for patients). Free registratio required.
Immunization Information for Consumers
A public service by Aventis Pasteur Inc. for consumers on vaccine-preventable diseases, immunization schedules, vaccine safety, and more.