Oral Contraceptives
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Web Pages
Go Ask Alice
Information on how birth control pills work to prevent pregnancy. Written in a question and answer format.
Birth Control Pills and Abnormal Bleeding
Frequently asked questions and articles about oral contraceptives, including side effects, timing of use, effect on menstrual bleeding, and interactions with other medications.
You and the Pill
Planned Parenthood Federation fact sheet on oral contraceptive pills.
CBC News: The Pill and US
A Canadian article offering in-depth look at the pill, history, and health benefits.
Contraceptive Quick Facts: Mini Pills
Details as to what it is, how it works, effectiveness, advantages and disadvantages.
Combined Oral Contraceptives
Offers information about the Pill, its effectiveness, advantages and disadvantages.
Seven Myths about the Pill
Myths along with the truths are discussed in this article.
Conditions Requiring Precautions in the Use of Oral Contraceptives
Technical information about which patients should exercise caution or avoid using combined oral contraceptives, from John's Hopkins Reproline.
Continuous Birth Control Therapy
Information for women who hate to have a period every month. Detail as to how this works.
Lady Melissa Pill Case with Alarm
Lady Melissa is a birth control pill case with alarm notification to remind you when to take that pill, includes ordering information.
The Pill: 30 Years of Safety Concerns
This article from FDA Consumer magazine reviews the history of oral contraceptives, health concerns, health benefits, and trends toward the future.
Frequently Asked Questions about Birth Control Drugs
Answers to commonly asked questions about hormonal methods of birth control, such as the Pill, Mini-Pill, Norplant, and Depo-Provera. Includes information about missed periods, missed pills, and side-effects.
Does the Birth Control Pill Cause Abortions?
Christian author Randy Alcorn presents a detailed investigation, describing how oral contraceptives may be considered abortifacient due to changing medical terminology which confuses fertilization and implantation.
Ortho Tri-cyclen Lo
A new birth control pill and an effective method of oral contraception and pregnancy prevention containing lower estrogen that improves cycle control with a favorable side effect profile.
Oral Contraceptives - The Pill
Feminist Women's Health Center's info on use, cautions, danger signs, missed pills, and advantages of oral contraceptives.
Oral Contraception Update
Technically-oriented report covers changes/advances in pill formulations in recent years, including potential health benefits and risks. Includes a list of birth control pills and their producers and formulations available in the US.
Understanding Low Dose Oral Contraceptives
Article for professionals covers pharmacology, efficacy, noncontraceptive health benefits, and side effects. Includes table of pills currently available in the United States.
PBS American Experience Online "The Pill"
Take a virtual pill, browse a gallery featuring samples of early pill packaging, learn about the unregulated clinical trials held in Puerto Rico, and much more.
An explanation of the differences in names and availability of birth control pills between Canada and the United States.