Genital Mutilation
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Web Pages
Stop Genital Mutilations - A Suggestion
An article: The beginning of a suggestion that could very well stop genital mutilations, or at least cause a reduction.
An international non-governmental organization based in Senegal Africa geared toward educating the people and ending female genital cutting.
Female Genital Mutilation
An introduction including what it is, countries that practise it, and a discussion on the religious influence, plus links.
Rainbo Homepage
While contributing to the advancement of the field in general, we are currently focusing our work on the issue of Female Genital Mutilation to assert women's rights to their bodily integrity.
Female Genital Mutilation Network and Message Board
Network and Message Board for cultural issue of female genital mutilation practiced mostly in Africa, Middle East, Malaysia & by immigrant communities from these cultures.
The FGM Research Homepage
Attempts to present the practice from a variety of perspectives and serve as a networking resource for organizations doing work related to FGM.
The Zero
Listings of national and international agencies, articles, organizations and web sites to find help for and information about female genital mutilation and female circumcision practices worldwide.
The Three Feminine Sorrows
The issue of the cultural practice of female genital mutilation from the point of view of urologist Dr. Jean Fourcroy, past president of the American Medical Women's Assoc.
Female Genital Mutilation
Chapter eight of Human Rights Reference discusses prevalence and problems with FGM.
UNICEF and the Medicalization of FGM
Documentation of the medicalization of female genital mutilation in Kenya.
Female Genital Mutilation and Human Rights
An essay, by Lisa Donaldson, discussing this practice in the 21st century.
Female Genital Mutilation
Amnesty International covers the topic of clitoridectomy, including procedures, why and where practiced, mental and physical effects on women.
Hanny Lightfoot-Klein
Articles by one of the leading authors and researchers on FGM.