Care of Intact Boys
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Web Pages
Newborns: Care Of The Uncircumcised Penis
Guidelines for Parents from the American Academy of Pediatrics
Raising Our Sons Intact
Support from circumcised fathers of intact sons
Intact Care Agreement for Healthcare Providers
An example agreement to healthcare providers from the parents of an infant, with regard to circumcision choice.
Conservative treatment of penile problems - CIRP
Balanitis - Phimosis - Injury to the Prepuce - Urinary Tract Infections
Normal Development of the Prepuce: Birth Through Age 18
Review of the literature about changes in the foreskin, particularly its retractibility, as a boy matures.
Fathering Magazine - Care of Intact Boys
Our bodies are covered with skin. The penis, too, is covered with skin. The fold of skin that covers and protects the glans (head) of the penis is sometimes called the prepuce, but is more commonly known as the foreskin
Fathering Magazine - Care of Boys With Tight Foreskins
Child care skills are normally passed down through the generations. Sometimes this passing down of knowledge can get interrupted. With a culture in which most males were circumcised for many years, the knowledge of how to care for a foreskin has largely disappeared in the US.
Care of the Uncircumcised Penis
From the American Academy of Pediatrics.
The Fathering Advisor
Does this child have phimosis?
Conservative Treatment Of Primary Phimosis In Adolescents
By Michel Beaugé MD - Based on over ten years of routine examination of college freshmen as part of the preventive medicine programme of the university.
Raising Intact Sons
Did you know that many parents of intact boys can do without the "splatter guard" during potty training? This and other helpful hints about raising intact sons.
Care of the Intact Penis
From Childbirth Educator Today - by James E. Peron, Ed. D.
Mothers of intact sons
Mothers who are available to discuss their decision not to circumcise their sons.
Pediatric Oncall- Penile Hygiene
How to clean the penis of your little boy.
Conservative Treatments -- Norm-UK
The foreskin and the glans develop as one structure. Natural separation of the two structures occurs gradually during childhood. The age at which the foreskin becomes retractable differs for each child. It may take until the age of 17 or beyond. This is normal. Forcing the foreskin to retract may cause pain, bleeding, scarring, infection, and adhesions. Therefore, the foreskin of a child should be retracted only by the child himself when he is ready to do so.