Sleep Enuresis
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Web Pages
National Enuresis Society
Discusses the three types of bedwetting, causes, treatments and guidelines for when to see a doctor about this problem.
Enuresis Treatment Center
Frequently asked questions. Bedwetting treatment is offered by telephone or during office visit. Toll free number. Ohio, Michigan.
Information site for parents and children who are dealing with bedwetting, supported by Ferring Pharmaceuticals.
Try for Dry
A center for the treatment of pediatric nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting).
Ask the Expert - Dr. Alan Greene
Pediatric expert answers readers question regarding bedwetting, including genetics, treatment, alarms, medication and understanding the underlying causes.
Information site for parents of children who wet. Sponsored by Enuresis Associates, a Maryland medical practice that specializes in the evaluation and treatment of pediatric nocturnal enuresis.
Information and resources for sufferers of bedwetting (nocturnal enuresis)
Enuresis R&D Center
The Enuresis Research & Development Center provides free resources for bed wetting control.
Cambridge Continence - Bedwetting clinic
Medical clinic for bedwetting, day wetting and bowel problems. Educational material and statistical analysis of outcomes. Run by pediatrician and continence nurses.
Complete Bedwetting Information
Expert information on bedwetting including causes and treatment. Provides detailed instructions along with proven self-help materials on how to end bed wetting.
Normal Kids
Support and educational page for kids with enuresis and their parents.
Nocturnal Enuresis: Health Fact Sheet
Concise factsheet on causes,symptoms and treatment of bed wetting by a healthcare provider.
Pacific International, LTD
Treating children and adults, who suffer from bed wetting (nocturnal enuresis), since 1951. Information about the disorder as well as services available.
An educational web site dedicated to bed-wetting, or primary nocturnal enuresis, and its treatments, including DDAVP. This site is for medical professionals, parents and children.
Diurnal Enuresis Support Website
offers information and support for parents and children suffering from diurnal enuresis or daytime wetting, message board and links.
Enuresis and Left-Handedness
A survey of college students indicates a significant relationship between the manifestations of monosymptomatic primary nocturnal enuresis and left-handedness.
Soiling Solutions
Offers encopresis (soiling) and enuresis (daytime bladder problems and bedwetting) treatment options. Articles, research findings, and treatment programs.
The International Bedwetting Clinic.
Frequently asked questions and treatment suggestions.
DrGreene: Enuresis
Read an article about bedwetting. Learn the causes and treatment options available.
Enuresis / Bedwetting Information
Enuresis (bed-wetting) condition description, causes, diagnosis and treatment information provided by Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center pediatric health specialists.