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National Attention Deficit Disorder Association
Articles, personal stories, interviews with ADD professionals, book reviews, and links to other ADD-related sites that provide information which may be helpful.
Attention Deficit Disorder Resources
Includes links to a variety of ADD Internet resources.
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
This site includes information on diagnosis, treatment, and research, and includeds links to booklets and magazine articles.
Symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatments, and links.
The online issue of a lifestyle magazine for people with attention deficit disorders.
Neurological Issues with ADD/ADHD
A discussion of the involvement of the reticular activating system.
The WWW Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/ADHD) FAQ Site
A site designed as a resource for parents, teachers and adults interested in information about ADD.
Links to information on ADD/ADHD, such as articles, education, advocacy, medical news and research, support groups, books, and message boards.
Child Development Institute - About Attention Deficit Disorder
Provides comprehensive information and practical solutions for kids and teens with ADHD.
The Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology
Factors in early development, for the majority, often underlie learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADD, ADHD and coordination problems. Find out about the primitive reflexes and how early development sets the scene for later learning.
ADHD On-line Community
Information and support on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, forums, articles of interest, editorials, links, and submission areas.
Born to Explore- The Other Side of ADD
A noncommercial clearinghouse for positive and alternative information which explores creativity, nutrition, giftedness, allergies, and temperament.
Attention Deficit Information Network
A non-profit, volunteer organization which offers support, information, and resources for parents, professionals, and adults who deal with Attention Deficit Disorder. Has conferences, one-on-one telephone information.
AtHealth - Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
Weekly newsletter and links to ADD resources.
Taming the Triad
Margie C. Sweeney, M.D. Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children and adults. Articles, tips, and directory of related links.
ADDvance 2001
ADDvance is the only site on the web designed as a resource site for women and girls with ADHD, providing articles, information on women's ADHD support groups across the country, and a comprehensive list of books, tapes and videos.
Learning With LD
Collection of documents about ADD/ADHD and general learning disabilities.
Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder
Information on DSM-IV Criteria, articles, resources, chat, bulletin board, family bulletin board, and a clinician's forum.
ADHD Owner's Manual
This site, created by a medical doctor, includes information on educational and behavioral interventions, medication, and tips for teachers.
Information on the research and treatment of ADD with emphasis on special education, behavior issues and advocacy. Includes free monthly newsletter and discussion groups.
The Whole Child/Adolescent Center
Introductory description of the terms, causes, and treatment.
Includes articles, news items, books, letters and FAQs.
Effective Parenting
Professional parenting advice from James Windell on children with behavior problems and ADD/ADHD.
ADD Resource
ADD Resource is a search engine and directory for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and learning disabilities.
ADD in School
Over 500 classroom interventions helping ADD students to be more successful in school. Written by teachers and therapists.
ASK - Adults Seeking Knowledge about ADD
A large collection of information on ADD. Information of use to the individual learning about ADD, as well as for those experienced with ADD.
Understanding ADHD
Information on the attention deficit disorders and treatments, for children and adults. From Healthology, Inc.
LD OnLine: Preventing Antisocial Behavior in Disabled and At-Risk Students
Information on learning disabilities, attention deficit disorders, special education, parenting, and teaching.
Outside the Box - Helping Misunderstood Kids
Provides research, original articles, personal testimonies and support in order to better help ADHD/special needs kids succeed in school and in life.
Search engine and directory for the attention deficit disorders and learning disabilities, also offering a monthly e-zine covering recent developments.
Attention Deficit Disorder
Dr. Levinson was the first to discover that Dyslexia or LD and ADD all stem from one and the same inner-ear cerebellar-vestibular) dysfunction.'s ADHD Online Guide
Free guide to ADHD/ADD, including interactive questionnaire, signs and symptoms, treatment, and other resources.
Teaching the ADD Child
Strategies for engaging the ADD child in learning experiences.
On Beyond Ritalin
Humorous but fairly accurate look at the medications used for treatment-resistant adult AD/HD.
About ADD and ADHD
The National Center for Learning Disabilities definition of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, along with coping strategies for students.
Children and Medication for ADHD Resources
Listings of and links to articles, agencies, organizations and websites to find information and resources for issues involving the medication of children with ADHD/ADD.
Frontline: Medicating Kids
Frontline investigates the growing controversy over ADHD. The site includes interviews with psychologists on all sides of the debate; drug information; federal laws and state legislation; and a resource guide.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), HYG-5268-96
Ohio State University fact sheet.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Overview and Theories on its Causes
Seeks to present every therapy currently being used for Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and to indicate the clinical evidence to support these treatments. Organized by theories of ADHD, therapies for ADHD, links to useful sites and articles on ADHD and a discussion group.
ADHD Information Library
Information for parents and teachers. Diagnosis, treatment options, research, alternative treatment, treatment strategies, parent and teacher resources.
Behavioural Assessment
Identifying behaviours that are significant in the diagnosis of ADD/ADHD and identifying appropriate behaviour management strategies as an alternative or adjunct to medication.
ADHD Ezine
ADHD research, nutrition, and behavioural issues. Explores ADHD from a holistic point of view. Monthly ezine.
ADHD Medications
Deciding which medicine to use to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder used to be easy. Learn which medicine is right for your child.
ADHD Treatment Guidelines
This policy statement from the AAP offers standarized guidelines for the treatment of school aged children with ADHD, including the use of stimulant medications and/or behavior therapy.
Twilight Bridge - ADHD
A comprehensive guide of articles and webcasts for parents, relatives, and carers of a child sufferring from ADHD. It highlights the disease and treatment including both pharmaceutical and behavioral therapy.
AtHealth - ADHD
An index of key links on diagnosis and treatment of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD.
Links to ADD/ADHD, Autism, and Asperger's resources
Links to resources regarding ADD/ADHD, autism, and Asperger's plus a blog of personal challenges.
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Information about Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.
The ADD Blues
Acoustic music CD about Attention Deficit Disorder.
Information about ADHD, free email newsletter and phone session workshops.
Attention Deficit Disorders Made Easy
Excerpt from "ADD Made Easy, A Manual for Those with a Short Attention Span" by Barbara Stein.
ADHD: A Place to Start
Information on ADHD/ADD and other neurological disorders and how to get support for a disabled child in school via IDEA and Section 504 federal laws.
ADHD Self-Rating Scale for Girls
A questionnaire that can help parents and their daughters determine whether to seek professional evaluation for attention deficit disorder.
ADD Referral
Helps find a therapist, clinic, support group, or specific information related to the treatment of Attention Deficit Disorders or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders.
School Discipline for Students with ADD
Practical tips on managing children with attention deficit disorder in the classroom.
Interview with Harlan Gephart, MD
Diagnosis and treatment of ADHD.
KinderStart ADD/ADHD Resources
Directory of information and resources for ADD/ADHD.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
The diagnosis and misdiagnosis of ADD/ADHD. Includes links to dozens of articles.
ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Information regarding ADHD treatment, symptoms, fact sheet and statistics for parents of children with ADHD.
ADHD Information
Brief article about ADHD.
ADD Focus
Useful ADD, ADHD information on diagnosis, treatment, medications, diet supplements and practical solutions to help students improve concentration, learning, and study habits.
Adult ADD
Information on adult ADD, symptoms, and available treatment options.
Information about ADD and ADHD, including nutritional, behavioral, pharmaceutical, and educational resources.
information about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) for parents, teachers, and teens, including the responsible use of stimulant medication in treatment.
Questions and answers about ADD/ADHD. - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD or ADD)
Facts about this condtion.
Notes on ADD
A marrage, family, and child counselor lists issues and considerations surrounding children with Attention Deficit Disorder.
All About ADHD/ADD
Comprehensive guide to online resources, support, treatment information, and symptoms of ADHD/ADD.
Attention Deficit Disorder Resources
Workshops, conferences, publications, articles for download, resources, support group, speakers, advocacy, lending library, and a newsletter.
ADHD Living Guide
The goal of the project is to create a website that helps parents, teachers, and physicians coordinate the care of a child with ADHD through the use of interactive features.
ADHD Information and Ezines
Articles, resources, book suggestions, ezines and message boards for the ADHD child.