Well-Being and Safety
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Web Pages
Abuse of the Elderly
Elder abuse definitions and prevention.
Health & Safety Tips
Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center.Johns Hopkins Geriatrics Center.
Self-Defense for Seniors
Offers two full hours of instruction especially designed for seniors.
Environmental range of radical ideas for approaching seemingly insoluble social problems concerning drugs, alcohol, and behavior for seniors.
Senior Insights
Information offered to the older but wiser group about eating healthy. We advocate to live, love, laugh and be happy.
Florida Health Consultants
Provides geriatric case management services
Elder Suicide
Information and resources on elder suicide.
Aging Well Village
Health and wellness for mature adults seeking to start or maintain a healthy lifestyle. Nutrition, fitness, healing, medications, and safety.
The Center for Social Gerontology
TCSG is a non-profit research, training and social policy organization dedicated to promoting the individual autonomy of older persons and advancing their well-being in society.
Safety Link
Personal response service that links clients with family, friends or emergency services in times of need.
Dr. Ann Steiner's Medical Information Sheet
Convenient medication tracking. Medicine list easily folded into pocket-sized reference.
Mind Works
Promoting superior mental fitness for older adults.
Making your Home Safe for Seniors
A room-by-room assessment by a physiotherapist of safety tips for the homes of senior citizens.
Senior Drivers
Offers a driving refresher and fitness tips for seniors using streaming video. Includes travel hints, latest traffic safety news, links, and quizzes.
Benevolent Ballet
Training seminars to motivate the elderly to exercise to improve posture, balance, coordination and confidence to prevent falls.
Lifeline Systems
Provider of emergency response systems and medical alarms for the at home elderly, enhancing their independence and quality of life.
Growing Old, But Keeping Fit
Chapter from the free online book, "How to Get the Best Medical Care - A Guide for the Intelligent Patient".
Offers free timely reminders for immunizations, flu shots and important preventive medical tests and procedures via email, pager or cell phone.
Trustcare Ltd.
Details about their medical alarm emergency response devices for seniors.
Sentry Manufacturing Company
Complete description of emergency call, smoke warning system for architects, engineers, and facility operators.
Young At Heart
Provides comprehensive and concise information on growing old actively, positively, healthily and happily.
Life Starts
A community and quality-of-life focused site designed to help seniors (ages 45-70) foster wellness and value-rich relationship opportunities.
Safe Driving for Older Adults
Conducting an assessment of driving habits and skills is one way to assemble some objective data.
Ontario Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse
Institute for Human Development, Life course and Aging, University of Toronto. Facts, organization history.
Senior's Health Canada
Guide to government of Canada's services for seniors and their families.
Care Guide
Resources and information about elder care situation.
Seniors And Food Safety
FDA/CFSAN's information on preventing foodborne illness.
Distinctive Features
Identification cards designed for disabled, elderly, children, and pets.