Support Groups
Home>Conditions_and_Diseases>Respiratory_Disorders>Chronic_Obstructive_Pulmonary_Disease>Support Groups
Web Pages
Better Breathers' Club of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Formed in 1985 by people with Chronic Obstructive Pulminary Diseases (COPD) to assist each other by means of education, mutual encouragement and fellowship.
COPD-Support, Inc
The web home of the COPD Online Support Mailing List developed and managed by patients with COPD, in cooperation with other patients, caregivers and medical professionals who care.
Forum for the discussion of all issues related to lung volume reduction surgery.
Olivija's Place
A complete source of support groups and URLs sent in by past and present support group members.
Information on subscribing to the email support group.
Yahoo Groups
Information about this forum which is for any person who has a lung disease of any kind who would like to talk to someone else in the same situation.
Chronic Lung Disease Forum
CLD Patients, as well as their families and friends are invited to share their questions, experiences, discoveries and support.
Air-Force One Pulmonary Support Group
Details of meetings, plus a newsletter.