Skin Disorders
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Web Pages
What To Do About Prurigo Nodularis
A support site for people with Prurigo Nodularis.
Acne Support Group in Cyberspace Chat Room
A support group and chat area for everyday people of all ages and walks of life with acne to visit, discuss, share treatments, support each other, and move through the stressful event of having acne.
International Chronic Urticaria Society
Current medical findings, surveys, research notices, email chats and support group.
Diagnosis: Pityriasis Lichenoides et Varioliformis Acuta (PLEVA)
Support group for those with Pityriasis Lichenoides et Variolformis Acuta (PLEVA)lesions and rashes, including pictures and message board.
Skin Disorders Community
Message boards and chat dedicated to sharing information, offering support, and coping strategies to better cope with skin disorders.
Ichthyosis Registry
NIH-supported Registry promoting research into diagnosis and treatment of ichthyoses and related disorders.
Scabies Message Board
Message board and support group for those with scabies and other skin disorders.
Elliot's Disease Research Library
Library of information for those suffering from Elliot's Disease, an undiagnosed parasitic skin disorder affecting humans and their pets that may mimic lice or scabies.
National Unidentified Skin Parasite Association
Support group for those suffering from an unknown skin condition related to parasites.
The Morgellons Skin Pathogen Foundation
Non-profit support group for those with Morgellon's skin disorder.
The Comfort Zone
Support group for those with this unknown skin condition which involves itching, lesions, granules, glitter, and fibers in the skin
Reporting Registry - "Not Lice" Report
Registry for "mystery illness" that involves black specks, fibers, granules and a variety of other symptoms.
Clear Skin
A support group for the discussion of the root causes of acne and how to deal with it.
Hydroa Vacciniforme
Provides information and support for persons suffering from Hydroa Vacciniforme or Hydroa Aestivale.
Canada Mastocytosis Support
For patients, caregivers and doctors. Also support information for all mast cell disorders.
Skin, Hair, and Nail Problems Message Board
A large forum on these issues.
SkinCell International Forum
Discussions for sufferers of skin disorders, including psoriasis, eczema, acne, and rosacea.
Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research Association of Australia, Queensland
Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research Association of Australia, Queensland.
Provides resources and support for people with this rare genetic skin disease. Offers information as well as a forum.
Association Naevus 2000 France-Europe
Association which supports patients and families affected by this pigmented skin condition.
Nevus Support Australia
Support for families affected by Congenital Melanocytic Naevus a rare skin growth.