Support Groups
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A Forum for Women's Health
Your internet resource for women's health information. The forum hosts a collection of facts, information, advice, and suggestions to help you deal with your health concerns.
Online Support Group Center
A list of support groups from surrogate mothers to DES daughters. - Forums: The Women's Health Forum and Archives
The Women's Health Forum has been created for women, physicians, and medical providers to discuss topics related to women's physical and emotional health and well being.
Eating Addictions Anonymous - The SANE Fellowship
A 12 step approach to recovery from eating addiction and body image issues. Includes introduction, list of meetings, and list of approved literature.
Post Abortion Stress Syndrome Support
A place for women who've had abortions to find help, support and comfort after an abortion. With message boards, surveys, stories and healing ideas.
Info Implants Mammaires
Dedicated to Silicone Breast Implant victims.
Canadian Women and Sport: Health Web
Physical activity has amazing benefits for women and girls yet only 1 in 10 Canadian women is active enough to benefit her health.
Boston Women's Health Book Collective
The Boston Women's Health Book Collective is a nonprofit women's health education, advocacy and consulting organization.
Inlet Medical, Inc. - Dyspareunia
A site for women experiencing pain during intercourse or during menstruation as a result of a tipped or retroverted uterus and possible treatment options.
MadGirls, Women's Voices in Mental Health
Join the email list, post or read the archives.
The Coalition of Silicone Survivors
An organization with over 5000 members world wide with many local groups providing support and information for those affected in any way by implants.
National Center for Policy Research for Women and Families
Information to improve the lives of women and families.
Prolapse Issues
Vaginal weakness with prolapse of the uterus and bladder. Women's Health Forums
Active discussion board for all women's health issues from PMS and pregnancy to hysterectomy and menopause.
Vaginismus Support Group
An on-line support group of women suffering from vaginismus, an involuntary spasm of the vaginal muscle which makes penetration extremely painful.
Women's Midlife Health Issues
A caring community for women at midlife seeking answers to their health issues. Newsletters, chats, message boards, polls, resources and links.
Medical Forum and Managed Care
Message Board dealing with women's health issues, as well as Managed Care. General health information, diet, nutrition, medicare and medicaid.
Primary Vaginismus Group
Support group of primary vaginismus sufferers.
Health Message Boards at
Discuss topics on women's health from general issues to specific ailments.
An e-mail discussion group for kegel exercises, womens health, and vaginal health issues. Hosted by Yahoo.
Yahoo! Groups: V Support
Features a support group for women with vulvar disorders and information related to vulvar pain, discomfort or itching. Includes joining instructions.
New Zealand Breasts
Support Group for women with large breasts. Personal stories, discussion groups and links.
Genital Warts
Includes chat room and message board.
The Connection Center, Inc.
Features information on finding care and support. Online and in-person psychotherapy and counseling offered.
Vital Health Partners
Provides support for individuals and families facing a life altering health diagnosis. Offers for-fee services for individuals, families and organizations as well as a list of resources.
Dysmenorrhea Support
An online support group where women can vent, share, learn, and find support for dysmenorrhea (severe menstrual cramps which are more painful than average cramps and can sometimes be disabling).
Support and education for women undergoing breast surgery: breast reconstruction, breast augmentation, breast reduction, breast surgery revision. Also supports and educates on tummy tucks, health and fitness. Discussion forums.
Breast Reduction Forum
A forum for women who are going through the breast reduction process.
Online support group for women with gynecological cancers and diseases. Provides information on gynecological issues, personal stories and a private email support list.
Message board for women who suffer from PCOS.