Nova Scotia
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Web Pages
Aids Coalition of Cape Breton
A non-profit community based, volunteer driven organization whose purpose is to prevent the spread of HIV in the community and to create a supportive environment for those infected by HIV/AIDS. In pursuit of this, the Coalition uses a community development approach in providing education, support, and advocacy on HIV/AIDS and related issues for the people of Cape Breton.
Youth Action on Aids Group
YAAG is youth empowered and driven. YAAG's in each Jr. and Sr. High Schools and all youth centres in Cape Breton will be performing drama skits on HIV/AIDS, the social issues that surround it, drug use and IV drug use and safer sex practices.
Sharp Advice Needle Exchange
Promotes health by reducing transmission through shared needles. Hours and location, advive, free condoms, information and education on risk factors, and referrals to drug counseling services.
AIDS Coalition of Nova Scotia
Mission statement, principles, who's who, and lists of programmes, services, support agencies, and related Internet links including usenet newsgroups.
One Lone Heron
Human rights, HIV/AIDS information and resources for gays in Atlantic Canada.