Teaching Files
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Web Pages
Neonatology on the Web: Teaching Files
Extensive collection of teaching files from www.neonatology.org's web site. Most of them from CSMC, but a good number are from other academic sites.
NICU-Web Home Page
Maintained by Peter Tarczy-Hornoch MD of the Univ of Washington (who also started NICU-NET when the internet was still young). This site has a lot of teaching files which may be useful to pediatric residents during their NICU rotations.
Children's Hospital - St. Paul: Guide to the NICU
The House staff manual: the index is on the left of the screen when you visit the site.
Ambal's Neonatology Teaching Files
A personal teaching file collection - suitable for pediatric residents or junior neonatology fellows. In powerpoint format.
Your Nursery and Y2K
A presentation of Christoph U. Lehmann, M.D which gives details on how you can handle the Y2K bug in your nursery.
Radiology Cases In Neonatology
A collection of neonatal X-Ray images (mainly chest) with legends.
Neonatology Topics from Vanderbilt Medical Center
Only two topics at present (Nov 1999): jaundice and RDS
Pediatrics in Review and NeoReviews
Website for "Pediatrics in review" and "NeoReviews"
Pediatrics -- Subspecialty Collections: Premature & Newborn
Collection of papers related to neonatology published in "Pediatrics" since Feb 1997; full text available.
U of Minn Neonatology - Teaching Files
Maintained by Danna Premer MD.
Neonatal Journal Abstracts
Collection of abstracts from the medical literature relevant to neonatology, dating back from mid-1997. Maintained by Dr. Ian Callender, NSW, Australia.