Web Pages
Cataract Surgery
Covers extracapsular extraction and phacoemulsification with diagrams and animation.
Cataracts - Cause of Cataract Vision Problems and Eye Sight Effects
Explains the causes, symptoms and treatment with diagrams.
Eye Surgery - Cataract and Epiretinal Membrane
Personal experience and illustrations obtained during eye surgeries under local anestesia.
Cataract Surgery in Developing Countries
Bibliography of books, articles, and links about surgery in developing countries.
VisionChannel - Cataracts
Symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of this condition which causes a clouding of the eye and can cause a loss of vision if untreated.
Cataracts FYI
Brief information on treatment options.
Angeles Vision Clinic - What is a Cataract?
Brief overview. Includes symptoms, treatments, and photographs.
National Eye Institute - Facts About Cataract
Describes symptoms, diagnosis, and treatments.
Child Cataracts
Personal stories, useful links and support for afflicted children and their families.
Cataract Surgery Information from Eye Doctors Worldwide
Directory of surgeons and centers. Public forums and general information.