Personal Pages
Home>Conditions_and_Diseases>Neurological_Disorders>Cerebral_Palsy>Personal Pages
Web Pages
Willie's Story
Real stories about several people with Cerebral Palsy and other disabilities.
Deaf People and Cerebral Palsy reference about people who are deaf and have cerebral palsy.
CP Mom
Parents of twins tell their story of raising one child with cerebral palsy.
Cerebralboy: Micah's Page
Describes Micah's personal story of growing up with cerebral palsy.
Camryn's Continuing Story
The personal story of Camryn who has cerebral palsy, microcephaly, seizure disorder and cortical vision impairment, all secondary to hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE).
Naudikah's Cerebral Palsy Pictures
Naudikah tells her struggle with cerebral palsy including pictures, symptoms, and treatment.
A Day in the Life of Megan
Learn about Megan who has Cerebral Palsy. Includes CP information and resources.
Elizabeth's Snow White Page
Betty's story about life with Down's Syndrome, asthma, and cerebral palsy. Includes pictures and resource links.
Greg's Page
Greg, born in 1984, shares his personal story and pictures.
Joyce's Cerebral Palsy Page
The story of James, a child with cerebral palsy. Provides links, information, and tips for making a difference in the lives of children with CP.
Help Alex Take His First Step
Tells the story of Alexander Jimenex, who has cerebral palsy.
Blessings Come In Small Packages
Tells the story of Gina, a girl with cerebral palsy, and her adoptive grandparents.
Trooper Taylor's Special World
A boy with Cerebral Palsy shares his experiences and life.
Bill Picard Motivational Speaker
Describes life with cerebral palsy and provides motivational speaking services.
Jamin with C.P.
Personal story of a musician's life with cerebral palsy. Describes the history of CP and links to resources.
Jason's Page
Jason tells his personal cerebral palsy story, and shares the cards and pictures he has collected.
Patrick and Cerebral Palsy
Presents Patrick's personal story about life with cerebral palsy.
A Place in the Sun
Personal stories from Ronnie, a man with cerebral palsy.
Presents information about cerebral palsy, living with a disability, and Robert Softley's life.
All-Star Statistician
Describes how a New York State high school student with cerebral palsy creatively met the physical education requirement by becomming the school's basketball statistician.
Surrender Your Heart
Emma shares her diary and her personal story of living with cerebral palsy in the UK.
Narelle's Page
Narelle, who has cerebral palsy, shares her story and her guest book.
Anne McDonald: Institution Page
Diagnosed as severely intellectually disabled, Anne McDonald spent fourteen years in an institution. She has now freed herself, achieved a university degree, and works for recognition of the right to communicate.
Carla's Place
Personal account concerning Cerebral Palsy, disabilities and pets.
Carmen's Place
Offers information about cerebral palsy, personal stories, and an Internet support group.
Christine Ashby
Christine shares her thoughts on disabled bathrooms and her story of life with cerebral palsy.
Connie's Corner
Connie Van Amerongen shares her personal story of life with cerebral palsy.
Disability Challenge
Shannon's personal account of her life with cerebral palsy.
The Godmother
Special education teacher who also has Cerebral Palsy. Information on CP and other disabilities.
Dona DeWees
Donna tells her personal story and seeks penpals for people with cerebral palsy.
Kayla's CP Page
Tells the story of Kayla, a woman with cerebral palsy, and provides informational links.
Lorri's Place
Lorri Marbry shares her story of growing up with cerebral palsy.
Nathalie Menard's Home Page
Presents Nathalie Menard's personal story, describes cerebral palsy, and features Nathalie's ideas on whether or not people with CP can lead normal lives.
Kristi's Place
Kristi tells her personal story of living with cerebral palsy, an includes stories about her family and friends, trips, and her journal.
Susie's Cerebral Palsy Page
Stories, facts, chat, and information about Susie and cerebral palsy.
Yvonne Singer's Globe
Writings and poetry from a woman with cerebral palsy.
FreeByrd's Nest
Personal site from a woman with cerebral palsy and asthma. Provides information and links to resources.
Aaron's Page
Tells the story of Shelly's son, Aaron, who was born with cerebral palsy.
Emily Perl Kingsley describes raising her son who has CP and offers suggestions to other parents.
Cerebral Palsy and Aging
Pierre Malraison's personal story, as well as CP information and links to resources. Available in English and French.
Our CyberScrapbook
The story of the Craig Family and their son Joshua who has Cerebral Palsy.
A Tribute to Caleb
Provides a resource directory, and describes prevention, diagnosis, and treatments for CP.
Coonster's Place
Paul Pecunas provides his resume, photo album, and his story of life with cerebral palsy.