Web Pages |
CRC - Circumcision Resource Center |
A nonprofit educational organization with the purpose of informing the public and professionals about the practice of circumcision. Our mission is to raise awareness and facilitate healing. The Center is a valuable source of circumcision information for parents and children's advocates; childbirth educators and allied professionals; medical, mental health, and academic people; Jews; and others. |
MAC - Mothers Against Circumcision |
Information, support, e-mail discussion group and live chats. |
Patients In ARMS (Advocates Reforming Medical Standards) |
Patients' rights advocates. |
AME - Association contre la Mutilation des Enfants |
Containing both French and English text, this French site contains easy reading medical perspectives and informative graphics including: - Demystifying circumcision - Medical treatment for phimosis - The aesthetics of the foreskin - Article 19 U.N. Convention on the Right of the Child. - Photos of botched circumcision on children - Reduction of phimosis on foreskin. |
The National Organization to Halt the Abuse and Routine Mutilation of Males is a non-profit, educational and direct-action men's network organized against circumcision of healthy male infants and children. |
Intact |
Intact's purpose is to end non-therapeutic male infant circumcision via public awareness, legislation, and litigation, and seeks to have male infant circumcision internationally recognized as a human rights violation. |
ICGI - International Coalition for Genital Integrity |
An alliance of international organizations dedicated to protecting the normal anatomy of males and females. Its members include healthcare professionals, psychologists, researchers, attorneys, journalists, ethicists, academicians, and citizen activists dedicated to ending unnecessary genital cuttings for both males and females. |
ARC - Attorneys for the Rights of the Child |
An international network of attorneys and supporters addressing the multi-faceted issue of genital mutilation of children, particularly the practice of male circumcision. |
DOC - Doctors Opposing Circumcision |
Based in Seattle Washington, DOC is an international organization of physicians, and others who are opposed to routine neonatal circumcision. These doctors recognize that no one has the right to forcibly remove sexual body parts from another individual. |
UK charity provides medically supported information and advice about circumcision, including alternative treaments, and support for men unhappy with circumcision, including advice on non-surgical foreskin restoration. |
Stop Infant Circumcision Society |
Co-organizer of March Against Circumcision in Washington DC during Genital Integrity Awareness Week Arp 1 - Apr 7, 2001. Actiities schedule plus Online Media Kit and Brouchure available on web site. |
Info-Circumcision - The Circumcision Information Resource Centre |
A non-profit organisation located in Montréal, Québec, Canada which provides a wide range of information about non-religious infant circumcision and related topics including non-surgical foreskin restoration. In English and French. |
MUSIC - Musicians United to Stop Infant Circumcision |
MUSIC is an organization of musicians who support the work of the National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers (NOCIRC) |
Wellness Associates |
A non-profit parent organization. |
Nurses for the Rights of the Child |
A nonprofit organization dedicated to protect unconsenting infants and children from surgical alterations of their healthy genitals. |