Multiple Personality
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Web Pages
Sidran Traumatic Stress Foundation
A non-profit organization and publisher with on-line brochures and articles about DID and other trauma-related disorders, diagnostic materials that are available at cost, and training program. Books can be ordered online.
Coming Out Multiple
Essay by Bob King. A brief article on what it means to come out as a multiple and how to support and accept a friend who is multiple.
Labyrinth of People
A supportive place for people with MPD, their families and friends. Information, personal experiences, links and a bulletin board to post advice or questions about MPD.
SOSA: Survivors of Spiritual Abuse
Spiritual Abuse Survivors, poems, art, prose, support network; there is an emphasis on people with DID who are survivors of spiritual abuse.
MPD/DID Information Pages
Information and support for multiples; includes a "Client Bill of Rights for Psychotherapy."
Health Net: Dissociative Identity Disorder
Informative guide to the symptoms and treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorder, formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder.
Peaceful Corner Poems
Poetry for, by and about people with Multiple Personality. Copies are free.
Firewheel Vortex
A collection of essays, including for example, ones on fundamentalism, faith, and the relationship of ADHD to child abuse.
Multiple Personality Disorder: Child Abuse Survivor Artist
Multiple personality disorder as told by artist/survivor.
Multiplicity, Abuse and Healing
Resources for exploration and general education regarding the main issues involved in MPD/DID and abuse.
All About Us - Empowered Multiplicity
A multiple tells of the relationships developed between 14 alters, adults, children, teens, ancients, friends, mentors, and lovers.
Lynne's World
Information and links about self injury, multiplicity, mid-continuum, depression, eating disorders and gay and Christian issues, from a UK perspective.
Dissociation in the UK
Information in the UK on Dissociation and Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) provided by The Pottergate Centre for Dissociation. Lists organisations, training, research, and information on how to find a therapist.
Mirror Lady's Site of Grief
A survivor's discussion of MPD/DID, spiritual abuse. Original cartoons portray life's daily dissociations. Art, poems, perp lawsuit. Explores impact of abuse on relationship with God.
Questions and Misconceptions
Detailed paper from a disorder-perspective about DID.
Suite101: MPD - Information and Self Help
Facts and information about MPD, including developing coping skills, developing one's personal spirituality as the key to wellness.
Coming Out Multiple
Stories of coming out as multiple. Takes the empowerment, non-disorder perspective.
Dissociative identity disorder hub
A brief definition of dissociative identity disorder, followed by links to resources, research articles, and case reports.
Extensive writings by Ralph Allison, M.D., one of the pioneers in treating multiplicity, explicating his unusual theory about the difference between Dissociative Identity Disorder and Multiple Personality Disorder.
Dissociative Identity Disorder as a Not to Know Strategy
An article by Mona Barbera, Ph.D.
Crazy People Incorporated: Introduction to the World's First D.I.D. Musical
An online sexual abuse survivor's musical, featuring a number of alters in their various roles.
Doubt Cast on Story of Sybil
Skeptical view on the story of Sybil, whose therapy with Cornelia Wilbur was documented in the book of the same name.
Mary Reynolds: The First Known Case of Multiple Personality Disorder
Historic research into this woman's life, including reproduced letters, handwriting, photographs, and a listing of biographies.
Multiple Personality and Dissociation Book List
List of books, with reviews, about multiple personality and dissociation.
Astraea's Multiple Personality Resources and Controversies
Fresh perspectives on Multiple Personality/Plurality and numerous links. Multiplicity can be a healthy lifestyle alternative, rather than a pathological disorder.
Dissociative Identity Disorder: A Contribution
A consultant psychiatrist reviews the factors that characterize DID.
MPD/DID a Legitimate Diagnosis
Multiple personaltiy disorder, domestic violence and child abuse. Includes an MPD survey.
Gift Of Many - It Shouldn't Hurt To Be A Child!
Enhancing awareness of the connection between MPD/DID and abuse.
Coping with Dissociative Identity Disorder - Multiple Personality Disorder
Ideas for coping with the symptoms of Dissociativie Identity Disorder, stories, tips and links to other resources.