Web Pages |
Uterine Cryoblation Therapy |
Information about a multi-center clinical study to investigate a new, minimally invasive procedure to treat abnormal uterine bleeding. |
Abnormal Bleeding - Menorrhagia |
Resources and articles that explore the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding. |
Irregular or Heavy Vaginal Bleeding |
Food tips and ulcer-herpes comparison charts that may help also: tips for sore, swollen toes, and food-combo tips for digestion. |
Postgraduate Medicine: Abnormal uterine bleeding |
Article for medical practitioners discusses basic menstrual physiology, diagnosis and evaluation of a abnormal bleeding, and treatment options for dysfunctional uterine bleeding. |
Alternatives in Gynecology - Abnormal Uterine Bleeding |
A gynecologist explains causes of and the rapid diagnosis of AUB, and all treatment options. Hysteroscopy and endometrial ablation, as well as hysterectomy are explained. |
Doctor's Guide: Women Seek Alternative to Hysterectomy for Bleeding Problems |
Study showing that most women oppose hysterectomy and hormone therapy for treatment of bleeding. |