Self Injury
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Web Pages
Bodies Under Siege Webring
Webring for sites dealing with self-injury. Sites must include some information on self-injurious behavior.
Secret Shame
Comprehensive self-injury site; review of psychological literature, suggestions to help you limit or stop your self-harm, help for families/friends, personal experience, extensive references, list of treatment resources, and support mailing list.
"Self-Mutilation" in Psychiatry -- One Patients View
An emotional view from one who self-injures. Gives highly descriptive details of what a cutter does while cutting and also tells what he feels like in the process of it.
Self-Injury: A Struggle
Information on self-injury for both the self injurer, and their friends/family. Personal stories, polls, famous self-injurers, reviews of books on SI, poetry, art, writings, chat, message board, list of resources.
Self-Injury Site: A Healing Touch
Offers educational material with information on self-injury, self-help, reasons and myths. Including a section for poetry, lyrics and a message board.
Error Due to Perspective
A personal site discussing depression, self-injury, and aspects of being "out" as a cutter. Includes information for friends/family of self-injurers.
Self-Injury/Self-Inflicted Violence
How self-injury relates to figure skaters as well as non-skaters.
Body Image Betrayal and Related Issues
Devoted to speaking out about Eating Disorders and related issues including: therapy abuse, self-injury (cutting), domestic violence, child abuse, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Also includes links to treatment and help through other sites and chat.
Self Injury - Information and Resources
Information leaflets from various UK organisations on managing self injury. Includes a personal story, a list of UK support groups, treatment centers, and helplines.
Lysamena Project on Self-Injury
Christian-based self-injury resource accessible to all. Providing self-injurers and their families with information about SI.
Can't Shout, Can't Scream
A self-harm zine. Includes poetry, personal stories and articles.
SIARI - Self-injury and Related Issues
Information about self-injury interspersed with commentary from self-injurers, and information about related issues. Creative works of self-injurers, message boards and an extensive list of resources.
Secret Scars
Information on self-injury and related issues. Message board, chat, personal stories and poetry.
About Self-Harm
Advice on self-injury, stress and ways to overcome it.
Rainbows of Hope
Information and support for self-injury and suicide. Including self-help, hotlines, poetry and a pen pal section.
Penetrating the Skin
Information on self-injury and how to contribute to this upcoming book.
Blood Red: A Self Injury Site
All about self-mutilation. What self-injury is and why people self-harm including how to stop.
I Cut/ Self Injury UK
Information on self-injury and SIAD, FAQ, personal story, diary, forum, chat, etc.
Self-Injury - Secret Pain
Personal experience, coping strategies and links for self-injurers and their friends/family.
Self-Mutilation: Silent Screams
Information, alternatives, ways to get help and personal stories.
Self-Injury Support
Information and support. Resources, message board and a support list.
Self Injury: A Life Long Struggle
Information about self-injury and alternatives. A message board, poetry and personal stories.
Self-Injury Support
Information about self-injury presented in a non-triggering way. Also, information about recovery and professional help. As well as a list of referrals.
When the Cut Goes in Deep
Intended to inform victims, families, and friends about depression, self injury, anxiety, and other mental illnesses.
Self Injury and Self Harm
Biographies, poetry, essays, resources, and articles regarding self-harm, self-injury, self-destruction, and self-abuse.
Shattered Innocents
Self-injury links, information about self-injury, abuse-related disorders, coping skills, a personal story and poetry.
Articles, poetry, pictures and discussion boards dealing with self-injury and suicide.
the dark place in my mind
Information about self-injury, diary, poetry and links.
A general site with a section on self injury and depression.
Showing Our Scars 2.0
Community with chat. Information on self-injury, first aid and the self-injury bill of rights.
Self Harm Help & Advise
Help and advice.
Information and alternate coping methods. Poetry, writing and diary entries.
The Old Familiar Sting
Focuses on self-injury but also offers information on child abuse, domestic violence, and depression. Includes on poetry, art and personal stories.
shattered innocents
A collection of resources and coping skills for self-injurers, reviewed links and interactive features (forums, polls, and a drawing board).
Cut and Scratch
Information and support on the topic of self-injury.
End All The Pain
Information on self-injury and other mental health issues, including eating disorders and suicide.
Self Injury.Net
Information about self-injury and a message board.