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Web Pages
Foot Web
A network and information resource for all foot problems and conditions.
Podiatry Channel
Information and resources for foot and ankle conditions. Chat facilities.
The Podiatry Forum
Forum for podiatrists and students on the internet.
Podiatry Online
A web portal and virtual community for podiatrists and others interested in foot health.
A database of all aspects of podiatric medicine and surgery for Podiatrists. Includes a database of conferences and podiatry news. A weekly continuing education newsletter is available.
Podiatric resource based in the UK. Includes a forum, news and education section.
A website and newsletter for Podiatry assistants. Covers information on business management, up coming events and networking.
Department of Podiatry, La Trobe University
Information on the Department of Podiatry at La Trobe University. Many of the lecture notes are available.
Diabetic Foot
Latest information on the diabetic foot, related conferences and database of publications.
Podiatry Update
Regular updates of podiatry news, information and opinion.