Support Groups
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Web Pages
Be Totally Free
Individuals who have found a common solution for overcoming all addictions share their personal success stories and the way out.
Benzo Awareness Network
Tranquillizer awareness and support for prescription drug ( benzodiazepines )dependent people. Links to Web sites, support group, and resources.
Benzodiazepine Addiction, Withdrawal, and Recovery
Information about benzodiazepine addiction, withdrawal and recovery. FAQs, stories, and support groups.
Benzo's Aren't Us!
Help, support, chat, personal stories, and information about withdrawing & recovery from Benzodiazepines.
An online community resource. Information on abuse and addiction to alcohol, drugs, food, gambling, and tobacco (nicotine), and resources for recovery.
People Helping People
Daily news and informed comment. Openline twice nightly live talk show about alcoholism and addictions.
Spirit of Recovery Addictions Counseling
Descriptions of many of the main addictive personality traits and help by telephone or email.
The Way - Confronting Addiction
Advicee, support, and training for individuals and organisations regarding habit forming and addictive behaviours.
Freedom You Bulletin Board
Support for addictions, substance-abuse and eating disorders.
Alcoholism and Addiction Recovery Resources
Recovery resources for alcoholism and addiction, substance abuse treatment,12 step programs, online counseling and sober living.
The Washington County Mental Health and Addiction Recovery Board
he MHAR Board studies the local community's needs for mental health and alcohol, drug addiction services and provides a support form.
Ohio Cocaine Anonymous
Support group for Cocaine addicts.
Psycho-Babble Substance Use
Message board for mutual support and education, focused on issues related to the use of legal or illegal substances.