Cystic Fibrosis
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Web Pages
The Ortho-McNeil CF Care Website
Provides people with cystic fibrosis, family members, and the CF community with quick and easy access to education and information.
Future Force
Irish publication including articles on home IVs, nutrition, exercise and first person accounts of living, dying and transplantation.
Cyber Campus
A computer course aiming to empower and educate people with Cystic Fibrosis. From the Cystic Fibrosis Association of Ireland (CFAI).
CF Advantage
The mutation that causes deadly cystic fibrosis has survived for 52,000 years - perhaps because it offers protection against diarrhea. By Josie Clausiusz
Information on cystic fibrosis.
Mamas Health
Find out what Cystic Fibrosis is, the symptoms and the causes.
Personal management tools to help track important health measures, together with in-depth articles and personal support from site specialists. Members can share data with caregivers and their healthcare team.
Cystic Fibrosis Resource Center
Directory about Cystic Fibrosis, including books, medical news, articles and information, links, message boards.
Cystic Fibrosis I.Q. Test
Test what you know about cystic fibrosis.
Cystic Fibrosis Health FactSheet
Concise factsheet on causes, symptoms and treatment of cystic fibrosis, this factsheet can also be downloaded in Acrobat format
Cystic Fibrosis Links
Cystic Fibrosis Links and Information
Yahoo! Health - Cystic Fibrosis
The Breathing Room
Guidance about the art of living with cystic fibrosis.
Cystic Fibrosis Management
Article detailing therapeutic options for co-management.
Manual for Cystic Fibrosis Patients and their Families
From the European Thematic Network for Cystic Fibrosis. In depth information in PDF.
Jewish Genetic Diseases - Cystic Fibrosis
Page with basic information on Cystic Fibrosis: symptoms, incidence in people of Jewish descent (Ashkenazi Jews), diagnosis, treatment, and screening.
It Can't Be CF
Symptoms, misconceptions, diagnosis stories, general information, links and resources.
Cystic Fibrosis Western Australia
Includes a calendar of events, information for people with CF who travel to Australia from other countries (what their healthcare entitlements are), pointers for teachers of children with CF, and a list of services and support.
CF Prescriber
Provides a place to search various databases for Cystic Fibrosis articles, links to other CF sites, a message forum and a wide variety of information on management of the disease.
Cindy's Friends
Information about the disease, progress being made towards a cure, and fundraising efforts in Tennessee.
The Spirit of Lo - Inspirational Book
Book about Cystic Fibrosis and the effects on the family. Tells the story of an ordinary family and their struggle with having a chronically ill child.
Cystic Fibrosis Medicine
Provides free information to professionals involved with the treatment of cystic fibrosis. An open access section is also available to both patients and family
Saving Russian Children with CF
Article about saving Russian children with CF.
Cystic Fibrosis Resource Centre
A source of information for cystic fibrosis patients, parents, doctors and other carers.
Sixty Five Roses - Cystic Fibrosis Resource Center
Provides support, information and answers about this disease. CF news, events, links and chat rooms.
Home Page-Harminder
Details from an article "CFTR as a cAMP-Dependent Regulator of Sodium Channels". Also, what new treatments might devolop if the theory behind this article prove true.
Irri Shark's Page
About the '65 roses' story.
A-Z Directory of Cystic Fibrosis Resources
Biomedical directory with listings of hospitals, charities, research, and information by topic and location.
Internet community for cystic fibrosis patients, families and loved ones. Information on clinical trials, gene therapy, testing, associations, research and events.
NHLBI: Facts about Cystic Fibrosis
Information, diagnosis and treatment options.