Kids and Teens         
Web Pages
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
PCRM, an organization of 5,000 physicians headed by Neal Barnard, M.D., advocates the nutritional reasons for shifting toward a plant-based diet.
Answers From the Experts
A thorough nutrition question and answer forum published by Mark Messina PhD and Virginia Messina MPH, RD.
Vegetarian Resource Group
A non-profit organization dedicated to educating the public on vegetarianism and the interrelated issues of health, nutrition, ecology, ethics, and world hunger.
International Vegetarian Union
A non-profit organization governed exclusively by vegetarians. Links to articles published in various magazines by IVU Member Societies in several languages.
The Vegetarian Society
Raising awareness amongst health professionals and the public about the personal health benefits the vegetarian diet offers. Information for infants to mature adults.
Vegetarian Nutrition FAQ
A source for answers to commonly asked questions about vegetarian nutrition.
Veggie Sports Association
A non-profit organization dedicated to the dissemination of information related to vegetarianism, sports, and vegetarian nutrition in sports.
Healthy Vegetarian
Provides information on non-animal sources for vitamins, minerals, and nutrients needed for health. Describes different dietary options and provides related links.
Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group Information
Vegetarian Nutrition Update newsletter (formerly called Issues in Vegetarian Dietetics), published quarterly, contains fact sheets and articles on vegetarian issues relevant to practicing dietitians. Selections from past newsletters.
Ask the Dietitian
Ask Joanne Larsen, Registered Dietitian and nutrition counselor, about transition - it's more than eating fruits and vegetables.
Vegetarian Nutrition and Health Letter
Each issue is packed with information to help readers plan diets that are easy, delicious, and healthful.
HCF Nutrition Foundation
Focus is on soy. Contains information on diets, disease prevention and food nutrients.
The ACT Vegetarian Society
Concise information on nutrients of concern.
Vegetarian Nutrition Resource List for Consumers
USDA site with contact information for cookbooks, magazines and web sites.
Providing produce information including health benefits, recipes, selection tips, varieties, trivia, storage, cleaning information, and industry facts.
Vegetarian Nutrition Information
Basic nutrient information.
Vegetarian Food Pyramid
A dietary guide with source suggestions, nutrient information and notes from the American Dietetic Association.
Surfing Veggies
An easy to use, topic specific search engine for related articles on the net.
Position of The American Dietetic Association: Vegetarian Diets
It is the position of The American Dietetic Association (ADA) that appropriately planned vegetarian diets are healthful, are nutritionally adequate, and provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases.
Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group
An invaluable resource to those who want access to concise, reliable, cutting edge resources and information on plant-based diets.